Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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18-Aug-2000 11:12 PM
  phone numbers
Just in case, post your phone numbers if you have your own phones. It'll be fun to talk on the phone some time. Mine is (319) 222-3513.
Write more. Hope to hear from you.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Aug-2000 11:22 PM
 Re: phone numbers
Hey! eto Andy!

moy telephon: 662-3254808
interesno, pochemu nichego ne slyushno ot rebyat s Ole Missa????
ya znayu oni zdes' zaregistrrirovalisya!!!! AU!!!! otkliknitesua!!!

mne ponravilasya ideya lenu s telefonami!!! davayte pishite!!!! ya potom mojet sdelayu na nih bazu danih!!!! tipa email, phon, i vsya beda.....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Aug-2000 11:48 PM
 Re: phone numbers
Hey people!!!
It's Natashka from Nebraska. Kak zdorovo, chto vse my zdes' segodnja sobralis'!!! I am joining our new phone database, my phone number is (402) 436-0583. Glad to hear from all of you!
Best, best, best, best wishes!!!
P.S. Andrey, slushai, a skolko vremeni vnov' pribyvshee soobshenije budet ostavat'sja na forume? Ved' esli ich ne delete, ich nakopits'a takaja ujma, chto prosto torba! Nado by eto dorabotat'...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Aug-2000 11:50 PM
 Re: phone numbers
It's Nurbek, my phone is: (402) 436-0460
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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