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AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community | Post new topic |
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12-Mar-2001 08:10 PM |
Chances |
Tell me,dear moderators:where is this portal going?People are using "ploschadnuyu bran'" in their posts.Are they supposed to be the best representatives of their nations?Are those the future of our countries?I'm scared for our nation if it's so. Thanks. [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
12-Mar-2001 08:43 PM |
Ruslito |
I think you are referring to my responses. Let me tell you something, if you don't like me or shit I talk about on this portal, blow me, I don't give a shit, and there's lot of uptight motherfuckers like you who dared to post such fucked up shit, so it presents no surprise to me.
AND YES WE ARE THE BEST OF THE NATION, Kind regards, Ruslito [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
12-Mar-2001 09:20 PM |
Chances |
You are completely f*** up,buddy...Tryin' to show your profeciency in slang?Everybody can do this listening to Eminem one time...You are stupido bastardo but not the best of Ukraine.No comments any more. [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
12-Mar-2001 11:39 PM |
Ruslito |
I am not taking offense at you, because i am such a kind person, and I am not showing my proficiency to anybody, cause i need not to, so you had better shut up and mind your own business, alrighty?
bye bye [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
13-Mar-2001 02:46 AM |
manya |
U tebya debila pontov ochen' mnogo, tebe by roga pooblamli u nas davno uje. Tak chto naslajdaysya poka mojesh'. [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
13-Mar-2001 06:28 AM |
Ruslito |
Ya smotru na menya sovershaetsya popitka naezda, a Ruslito ne lubit kogda na nego pitayutsya naehat, ochen ochen ne lubit, poetomu Manka ty svoy gniloy bazar popriderzhi, potomu chto roga rogami a ty ne hochesh zlit Ruslito tak kak on chelovek seryozniy i respektabelniy, i za bazarom sledit [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
13-Mar-2001 07:26 AM |
Mc |
A ne ser'yozniy chelovek. Chto, obosralsya pidar ot takogo zayavleniya? eh... kuda mi katimsya..... [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
14-Mar-2001 01:18 AM |
Ruslito |
Nu popizdu mne, popizdi, pridet tvoy chas, za bazar pridetsya otvechat, takshto naslazhdaysya huylo svobodoy poka, ment gniloy, i esche suka takoy gniloy bazar uslishu ploho stanet tebe modozvonu,
Ruslito [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
15-Mar-2001 07:07 AM |
yerQ |
He's ma brutha, maaaan, he's only six years old.
We've been waiting for you in a blistering... jeez, what's wrong with me... [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
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