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04-Oct-2001 03:43 AM
  Anybody home???
Hey, rebeta, kto priehal obratno???

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Oct-2001 04:05 AM
 Re: Anybody home???

Ya pochital vashi pis'ma...Tosklivo.
Te zhe chuvstva, peremeshannye i protivirechivye.
kogda vernulsya na Ukrainu, bylo oche' tyachelo. Polnyi depresnyak. No vstretil devushku, zhizn' stalanalazhivat' poka ona ne reshila rasstat'sa. Nu povidal roditelei, pokatalsya po kurortam...A v Posol'stve kozly otkazali v vize.
I tut zhin' sovsem ostochertela. Oi kak ne hoteloi vozvrashchatsya v In Yaz. Uzhe by na 4 yi kurs.
A ya iz poslednih sil na "poslednie" $45 poshel v posol'stvo i Appelated. And you know what? As soon as i got the possiblity to go back to the USA I didn't want it any more. So, now, that I am here, I am dreaming about comming back to see my parents over the Christmas break...I just don't know how feasible it's gonna be.

Da, kruto, Ya seichas sizhu u Laptopa, which i checked out from the library, because I have some priviliges being in the honors program. Da, shower 24 chasa v sutki, kogda v Ukraine eshe i holodnuyu vykluchayut. A tolku. Na vtorom kurse. Nikakih perspektiv. Pashu kak los' za min. V rposhlom godu po shtuke zashibal, dazhe poltory, v etom i do poloviny ne dotyagivayu. Zhizni nikakoi. Dazhe domashku delat' ne uspevayu. Nu, i, skazhite mne teper', chego ya dobilsya? Nu ya konechnoe molchu o tom kakaya nostalgy nachnetsya as soon as i get back to Ukraine...But still, no car, no girlfriend, no time, no money, no f* life...
Che tut govorit'...Poslezavtra break nachinaetsya 4 vyhodnyh. Nado vyselyat'sya, zhrat' nechego, toska...
Nemogu dozhdat'sya chtoby pochitat' uchebniki...

Ok, I think it's time to go to bed.
night...or good morning.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Oct-2001 02:34 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Wazzup yo!! Ne veshay nos! U mena takiye feelings chut li ne kazhdyi den! Dam odim sovet: ZABEY NA VSO! Ochen pomogayet! U mena s ponedelnika na moyom checking accounte bylo $4,60centov , havat ne za chto, rent uzhe na nedelu prosrochen, iz havchika odni makarony LOL ;) i paru sosisok i pachka gerkulesa, moyi credit cards esho so Shtatov nigde ne prinimayut (ya seychas v Canade), telefon hoteli otkluchit, i segodna poluchil C- s Phonology (linguistics major) Razve zhyzn ne prekrasna??? Da esho vot suki americancy skazali segodna chto Ukraincy etot Russkiy samolot zbili nad Chernym MOrem!! Hahaha. Pridumayut zhe, horosho chto Ukraincy esho ne dobombili Washington i NEw York Shitheads.
Tak pro chto eto ya tut govoril??? AAA!!! Ya k tomu vel chto ne smotri slishkom daleko v budushee, zhyvi segodneshnim dnem, gulay, raduysa zhyznyu, i vodoy 24 chasa v sutki!!! :0) Vot pravda chto devushki netu eto koneshno ploho No nuzhno terpet perehodashiye trudnosti, pravda?
Ladno, ne znayu ili vso eto makes sense, no ya uzhasno rad byl tvoyemu postu segodna Esho raz ubedilsa chto ne u mena odnogo takiye problemy, a u MNOGIH MNOGIH. ))
Cheer up, vso budet OK. I priezhay v gosti kak nebud, poveselimsa i piva napyomsa, ved s NYC do TOronto ne daleko, pravda?? ;)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Oct-2001 08:33 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hey, boys, why are you so much upset? Of course it is not that pleasant to be away from home, without friends, and so on. But you take a look at it from the other side - you are studying in nice unversities, see clean streets, and get not bad (comparing to Ukraine) salaries. Be optimistic, in a while you will have friends, and girls, and enough food...

So, stop crying and raise your noses )))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Oct-2001 10:15 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Just wanted to drop a quick note for Gene. I don't want to tell my real name, so...
Just wanted to reminf you, Gene, how we met once in a chat here. Maybe you don't even remember, but I do. You told that Ukraine sucks and you cursed it a lot!!! Remember? I don't think that was a good idea, bro...
I don't say in Ukraine everything is fine and cool, but this is you Motherhood, so you should like it (I am not even talking about love!!!) I am not a nationalist, no. I like the life in the States and I'd like to travel a lot... But this is not the point.
I just did not like you attitude towards Ukraine that time in the chat. Now you can really charge what was right and what was wrong. I am even kinda happy you realized that the USA is not THE BEST country in the world.
Yeah, one more remark: before giving shit to something (or somebody) --- get to know that thing (or person) better, ok, Gene?
C U later.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Oct-2001 09:51 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hey, what's up, man?

Where are you now?
Back home in the middle of nowhere and in the center of the party?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Oct-2001 10:09 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
hey, man, thanks for writing.

I've got a few things to tell you.
First of all, I do remember about our conversation.
Though, I'd prefer not to...
Now, I haven't been giving shit to anyboby.
Lastly, it irritates me when people think I am stupid enough not to understand some things.
Everybody's got his own opinion and tries to keep it to himself. I didn't understand anything new after my first year in the states. I am helping my parents financially and don't care if your parents are rich enough. I lived in a city that was reported on TV as the one that's got the contents of mercury 70 times over the norm. Ok? my parents are still there.
When I got home I realized that it sucks even worse than it did before and that's the only reason I am here. And there are fewer thing back home than the things that make me wanna stay as far as I can. And I do have a warm feeling when I think about Ukraine. Not as a counry, but as a place where there are nice people, nice nature, where I've got the most emportant - my parents. Ok? And don't feel like engaging in any more conversations on this topic.

All I want to know at the moment is who else managed to get back here.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Oct-2001 10:42 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hto tebe skazal chto ya upset??? Vso COOL, vot tolko so vcherashnego gda boshka treshit. SHIT MAN! Kakiye zdes est povernutye (pervertnutye )devushki!! No eto sovsem drugoy razgovor.
A na schet salaries!! HAhahaha, nu ty mene nasmeshyl!! KOneshno sho oni NAAMNOGO bolshe chem v Ukraine, NO, man, KAKOY OT NIH TOLK! Vot segodna, byl moy payday, da? MOyu zarplaty pereveli na moy account v banke> Nu vrodeby est babki, nu ili byli vo vsakom sluchaye utrom . NU ya za rent zaplatil, za to so, nemnogo tuitiona, i vso ONLINE, ili ATM banking. I cho ty dumayesh, ya eti dengi videl????? DA NIHERA PODOBNOGO!! ))) Sho oni tam byli na accounte, sho ih shas tam netu, KAKAYA RAZNICA!!
NU ok, zhyzn prekrasno, a ot problem nikuda ne detsa.
Take care ya all,
TAras. f
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Oct-2001 04:01 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Don't get lost!
Get in touch
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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