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06-Oct-2001 10:22 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hi, guys!
I want to cheer you up. I came back to US as well. I share your feeling about living in the US, but don't be upset about money. Yes, there is more responsibility to work,study, and pay your bills here than to live in Ukraine (or another former USSR republic) with your parents. I didn't make my own decision if it's better to live in Ukraine or in the US. I do miss Ukraine, my parents and friends, and at these moments I try to remind myself that cultural shock I got back home this summer.
Yes, US isn't the best country to live in, but, guys, there are more opportunities over here. After graduation (I like this word) you can afford almost everything. You still have a good chance to get a decent job.
Opps, I will write you later, I have to go.
See Y
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Oct-2001 12:04 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Me, by the way, WHO ARE YOU?? Where are you?? Do I know you?? ;)
Eugene, I am here, and dun fine, out of cash as usual, but with all bills paid and even with the fridge full of grocieries Hahaha, isnt it cool??
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Oct-2001 07:17 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
hello, bros!

for gene: hey, man, i remember you... i guess i met you a few time in chat when in the usa. you are a guy from ukraine, if i am not mistaken )) during the pre-going home orientation in washington, dc you were there just before me... nice you got back to the usa... especially in ny. btw, is it the state ot the city where you are in now?

one question, man... you went back, will receive your degree, and what then - two years will still remain on your showlders ok, no offences, just want to know - maybe there is a way to waive it?

to taras: he-he-he, man. i know you are not upset... who would be - even though there is not enough money on your account... does it matter that much right now... i am sure that you are a smart ass ( )) - not smart would not get back to canada or whatever ), and in a few years you will raise nice money.. the only thing that is important now - you have food in your fridge, and you have friends, though they might be far away now... just get a girl over there, in canada... you know, man, i realized that ukrainian girls are treasure... so, if you have a chance, date a ukrainian gilr in there...

and do not give up, guys! just do what you have to, and do not think about the future too much )) enjoy this shitty )) life

ok, cheers,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Oct-2001 03:38 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Man, what's up?
Man, right? ;)

drop me an e-mail @
And tell me more about yourself.

Btw, I don't share about your optimism about graduation. Firstly, there're 3 more years to go.
secondly, we are here on "ptichoh pravah", meaning they'll kick us ot of country as soon as we are done.

Piply! We can't apply for a work permit only after we have stayed on a certain visa status for over a year.
How legal it is for us to find a sumer internship?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Oct-2001 03:49 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hi, guys
I have a question for you. How feasible is it that IRS will catch me, if I work more than 20 hours a week? I currently have 2 jobs and get my paychecks at 2 different places. So how does IRS keep track of all the hours I work?
Any reply is appreciated
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Oct-2001 12:27 PM
 Re: Anybody home???

kak dela u vas?
pochital tut vashu pisaninu....

vot shto skaju.. u menya v UA na 20 baksov bolshe funa chem v shatath bulo na 500!
i tut ya polnost'yu podderjivayu Tarasa...

a... nu koneshno USA strana ne ideal... no vseje ona chut' luche chem UA))
No samoe glavnoe tam est' vozmojnsti...

i vashe... ne dumayu shto pro eto nado govorit'.... na eti temy mojna govorit' do beskonechnosti...

vot ya vchera v les hodil! obaldet'!!!! takaya pogoda klasnaya bula.... list'ya... koster.. shashluki.. pesni pod gitary and stuff!!!
vot eto jizn'))


[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Oct-2001 02:59 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Yo! YA teba ne znayu, i ty po videmomu ne hochesh mne govorit htom ty No eto ok. A pro IRS! Man, what a FUCK is IRS??? Does it stand for Internatl Revenue Service?? Or its INS and Revenue together?? Gmm, if you are talking about INS, which is an Immigration and Naturalization Service, they dont give a SHIT how much you work in US. Thats for sure. If fore the Revenue-well, it depends. When I was in US I have worked a little bit, but just A LITTLE bit more then 20, like 24-25 hours a week. WEll, noone cared too much. And I dont think you gonna have problems in the future, UNLESS you dont pay all the taxes. A couple of my friends, they are old UKrainians working on the construction in Chicago, and are tottally illegal in US, but somehow got SS#, and worked that way. 3 years noone bothered them, but last year, one of them has got a letter from Revenue ASKING to pay his taxes So I guess there shold not be ANY problems for you to work more then 20. OK? Hey everybody esle, whats your experience?? I am saying truth??
Take care, TAras.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Oct-2001 04:35 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hey ME, I wrote a lot, but did not get to the very point.
So the question was: "How IRS keeps track of all the hours". Easy, by the SS#. SS# as well as SIN (SS# in Canada, Nalodogyi nomer in Ukraine , which DOES not seem to work ) is the best indicator of your LEGAL income. Every pay check you get on the LEGAL job, the one with SS#, the amount is recorded in SSA database(Social Sec. Admin), and jumping out from this information the IRS checks how many hours you have worked, what was the pay rate and calculates your taxes. Now, the SSA also has an indication that you are under the student visa in US. It does not explain in full what that means. If there is a clerk in Revenue who knows and cares about all the legal INS regulations (Oncampus employment only, not more then 20 hours, INS authorization if working outside the campus and BLA BLA BLA) you are kinda screwed. But hey!! NO reason not to work!!! I am more then SURE that REvenue does not give a SHIT what you do out there, ok? Even if it does, its not gonna do you anything, INS might, but in during all those shitty events. Also true that if all the true reveals, which is pretty unlikely, the person in trouble will be you employer, well, but that is only theoretically. So work as much as you can
The same SS# shit is true about the banks. When you apply for the credit or loan, they ask for the permision to check with your SS#, to see if you have any income, and whether you would be able to pay the credit back. I got refused a credit here in Canada, on the basis that my SIN started with number 9, which means, I am a newcomer to Canada, and got my SIN in September, month 09. LOL Funny, yea?? Simple things, but they DO work.

Hope it helps.Taras.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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