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09-Oct-2001 06:38 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Thank you for all the information. As you got it, I meant Internal Revenue Service under IRS. With your info I have a picture in my mind how this system works.
As for my identity, I was in Drexel during preorientation session. How about you?
By the way, how do you like Canada conparing to the US?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Oct-2001 08:37 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Yo, wazzup!
I AM FROM DREXEL AS WELL!! DAmn, whats your real name??? We should konw each other.
CAnada is ok, I like it here, THOUGH, taxes are MUCh higher here, less work, and NO undergrad scholarships. BUT clubs, bars, strips, are cool. And you dont have to be 21 to get there. CAnada is full of immigrants, and people I would say are more diverse here. But I do really miss States. I wanna get there, it got that original smth., you will never forget.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Oct-2001 12:52 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Alo! Cho vy snova vse zanykalisa her znayet gde??? What a fuck? Davayte, iz nor vylazte, a to: "I will hunt and smoke you OUT of your holes". HAhaha, eto ya vam, a ne bin Ladenu
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Oct-2001 04:21 PM
 Re: Anybody home???
Yo! Funny thing. V proshlyi raz ya govoril chto u mena $4.60 ostalosa, a shas u mena AZH $2 na accounte!! Hahahaha, ))) Eto kak v "Malchishe-Kibolchishe", "Nam by tolko den prostoyat da noch prodertzhatsa!!" Tak vot u mena to zhe samoye, toka by ot paychecka i do paycheka!! Hahahaha, a mne dazhe nravitsa, hot kakayato responsibility pered samim soboy. NU ok, ne veshay nos, zhyn horosha, dazhe s $2 v kamane. Poshel na krasivyh devushek smotret, xexe.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Oct-2001 04:39 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Use prapali patamu sho raboty mnoga.
Nekatyrye zdesya phayut kak sabaki, i ni shlyayutsya po stripam...patamu sho vremeni netu dazhe chista to get laid. Not even to think about it. May be in sleep.

Yo, wassup, man?

Haven't hear from you in a while. Look I told you how you can reach me. There's so much motherfucking work that I "wake up" on weekend. Go get drunk and catch up with my homework. Period. nothing else. Zato babki est', po krainey mere byli...

As to ME's question, they don't give a fuck. INS would worry, but these 2 are not related. IRS has the total number, but there's not fucking way it know how much you make an hour. I was working up to 60 h a week last year. This year I just broke 20 barrier. Need to find more tutees to hit the 30 h. In some school the International office cares. In my school the food facilities don't allow to work over 15, though I work 17,5 to 21 sometimes. So, don't worry, ME. Chill out.

Bye all.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Oct-2001 07:35 AM
 Re: Anybody home???
Hey wazzup dude? Are you like hammered or what?? ) You dont make sence, or at least I cannnt get a single word you are saying Well, that might be a problem with me I am soooo wasted, and I am feeling GOOD! OK, I gotta run, I hope things are going OK with ya! YEA, TOMMORROW IS THA PAYDAY!! Yeaa, gonna be reach for a while again!
Taras-ass-kicker xexexexe
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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