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03-Apr-2002 02:21 PM
 Re: VOPROS DATABASEistam... :o)
nu ty menya ozadachil...ya vse messages peresmotrela, poka nashla tvoy "malenkiy vopros s bolshym armyanskim akzentom" :-))) eto vot etot chto li :

"Rebyat, a kuda vas v DC poselyat budut? v kakoi Hotel?"

esli etot, to ya poka ne znau.
sorry for the delay :-)
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

04-Apr-2002 03:23 PM
 Re: VOPROS DATABASEistam... :o)
...da, vopros moi, priznau... )...

spasibo za otvet, nado zhe, pomuchalas devushka, no nashla... ), ochen milo s tvoei storoni.. ;o)

nu ladno, shas daje nechego napisat.. den kakoito strannyi...
golova ne rabotaet...
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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