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09-Feb-2001 05:45 PM
  Priklyucheniya Comandera
Rebyata, khochu podnyat' issue of internship. Dlya tekh kto eschyo ne ponyal o chem ya - zaydite v Delaware University forum i prochitayte topic "Moi Priklyucheniya" posted by Commander.
Ya dumayu chto eto ne spravedlivo i chto nam nado chto delat' naschet etogo. Nado vyrazit' protest ACCELS vo vremya workshop. I puskay nam eto uzhe ne pomozhet... No budut drugie studenty iz nashikh zhe stran, davayte postaraemsya im pomoch'! WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Oni kontroliruyut kazhdyy nash shag!
"Eto my ne mozhem delat', ACCELS ne razreshaet, to my sdelat' ne mozhem ACCELS ne razreshaet..." I think we have too many limits from ACCELS.

Ya podderzhivayu predlozhenie X-raya skazat' ob etom na workshop, i puskay my tuda edem ne vmeste, puskay vsego po 3 chelovek, puskay dazhe v odnochku, glavnoe razdelyat' eto mnenie, glavnoe chto by vse vyrazili svoe mnenie ob etom tam na workshop. To chto oni sdelali po otnosheniyu k Kirillu PROSTO NECHESTNO!!!

Esli eschyo kto to podderzhivaet eto mnenie, dayte o sebe znat'! Please, everyone, let's bring this issue up on the workshop, it will be so much of a help for those who come here next!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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