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25-Oct-2000 01:45 AM
  My previous message was #666
Hey Guys!
Don't try to guess who I am. Let's just say that I'm the one who's sick and tired of that Ukranian jerk Rus(not insulting Ukraine). I'm sorry to say that, but this "famous" Rus makes me vomit. I don't know what he's trying to achive with his comments, but at least now everyone who visits portal knows him and definitely not everyone likes him. At least I don't.
And, Rus, please don't reply to me using such words as "", "shit" or "Hit me back" - you are using it so often that they are not worth reading. Try to use other words what exist in your sick imagination.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 02:40 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
Surprisingly enough, I found this marvelous message posted by one of my devoted and dedicated fans AntiRus. This individual touched me with his/her enormous creativity and imagination. In actuality it struck me as amusing because the aforementioned response is a sheer artwork in its own right. Even though its beauty was tarnished by such unpleasant and certainly taboo words as jerk in particular. It is highly inappropriate and outrageous to use salty language with respect to Rus. Shame on you AntiRus. In my opinion it is contemptible to attempt to criticize that renowned individual while concealing your own identity. I resent such behavior. In case of further questions or observations please email Rus and he will be more than happy to clarify everything to you. Thank you very much. Truly yours,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 03:01 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 03:25 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
AAAAA!!!!! Guys!! The Armageddon has come!
Something really bad must have happened.
Rus has probably been abducted by aliens. He speaks now like a highly intelligent and decent priest.

This world is coming to an end!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 03:34 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
I'm really glad that I made you speak like a normal person. At least now people understand that you're not such a "jerk" as you try to show yourself.
I really hope that in future we won't hear from you any explicit words.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 03:55 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
Hey, gus!

Why are you so unfair with Rus?! His language means nothig, look at his personality - he is a bright guy, and he just like to have fun!
Why do you distress him?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 06:05 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
Dorina, let me disagree with you. Brightness is nothing if there's no respect to people, on the contrary, it makes things twice as worce.
You can understand if somebody, let's say not very bright, uses explicit language to express his rudimental emotions or thoughts because he has poor vocabulary. You can understand if such person offends others, which shows that it doesn't have any respect to itself first. But how, tell me, you can understand that the person considering itself bright, smart, and intellectual acts as if it's not?
Skazhem po russki. Esli Rus i hotel privlech' vnimanie takoy tsenoy, to emu eto uadlos' lish' na vremya. Bolee togo, mnogie perestali poseschat' portal tol'ko iz-za otvrascheniya k ego tvorchestvu. Chego on dobilsa tak eto poteri uvazheniya so storony bol'shey chasti posetiteley portala. A zhal', ved, mozhet byt', on deystvitel'no takoy umnitsa, kak ty govorish', no to chto on delaet protivorechit moim ponyatiyam ob ume v chastnosti i lichnosti v tselom.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 04:51 PM
 Re: My previous message was #666
A ti, Dorina, opredelis', libo tebe nravitsya Yerkin, kotoriy postavlyaet myziky na portal i rygaetsya s Rusom, libo tebe nravitsya Rus, kotoriy vechno materit Yerkina.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 05:24 PM
 Re: My previous message was #666

It seems you think if one likes Rus, then he does not like Yerkin, and viceversa. Well, I do not see the things like this. Personal liking has nothing to do with this. I like Rus'stories, and I like Yerkin's music, and both of them proved to be great guys, or at least that is my impression about both of them.
Sometimes Rus speaks really roughly in Common, then I just ignore those statements.
When Yerkin posted his login from Geocities, I was shocked, but the sun still shines, and that does not mean he is a bad guy, he just had a bad day, I think
So, people, why don't you chose to criticize Rus'STORIES, but criticise his PERSONALITY? There was a time when you did criticise his talent, but now all I see is personal attacks. You may drive nuts anyone with your attitude...

Have fun!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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