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25-Oct-2000 05:27 PM
 Re: My previous message was #666
I want to pray for X-ray for he finally came to the father and repented of his sin, like that son in the parable told by Jesus and in his name that shall be washed away. AntiRus, I pray for you also, you may be experiencing dire times now, and all sorts of minor problems; you may be homesick, but don't get discouraged my friend, just give your heart to Jesus and come into a living breathing relationship with God the father and his power will rest upon you. I understand that all of us are having bleak times and that results in depression and anxiety but I want to pray for those who are especially in need. MATRIX, I want to tell you one thing. Don't let these words fall through the crack, don't let devil get a hold of you. Rejoice for the kingdom of heaven is near, just put your trust in the Lord and his word. You may be not walking in the light now, you may be struggling with all the mundain desires of yours, trying to overcome temptation, but God will not let you down brother. For he did the same thing to his son, with Satan trying to tempt him in the desert for 40 days and nights fy friend. Jesus said all things are possible. I also want to say a word of prayer for your inmature children from Kazakstan Erlen and Yerkin. They don't know what they are doing, so forgive them, like your son Jesus did. And also be kind to McLoud. Timmy, you are influenced by the demons, but deep down in your heart you are a good person. I am not sure whether you know his name but he is also your child, Father, his name is VikingMN. Please Lord this boy needs Jesus, heal this child, help us destroy these daemons. My friends I want to tell you something! In 1 Cor 13 Paul said that no matter what you do you have to do it with love. Yerkin, if you adopt this approach people with change their attitudes toward you. My, friends stop treating people in an angry spirit, how about treating them in a spirit of love. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

[ This message was edited by: Rus on: 10-25-2000 17:26 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 05:32 PM
 Re: My previous message was #666
We have Allah over us and three machine-guns as well.
Allah akbar!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 07:50 PM
 Re: My previous message was #666
Hey Rus, do you actually believe in what you write?
Dorina said that we should try to separate your stories and your personality. If you are as smart as she thinks, you should understand that Words have tremendous power and one should be very careful in the ways he uses them. What you have written or said will always directly connect to personality no matter you want it or not. If you did not take your writings seriously, it's time to look through them again and think, because they are already having impact on you, direct as well as indirect.
You may call on something you do not understand and the effects of that will not be under your control or anybody elses anymore.
You call others children, but how can you consider yourself mature if you cannot carry the responsibilty for what you've said or done?

Sincerely, Nurbek.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Oct-2000 09:38 PM
 Re: My previous message was #666
Ty menya ne gruzi bazarom eti seryoznie pesni ya slishal v tretiem klase. You probably got real pissed off by the message, yeah I will keep getting more and more responses as more and more people read my shit. But tell me Nurbek why are you so mad, try to understand, that I do want you as a fan, I just don't want you to so some crazy shit and write some crazy responses. People read and think: what is this guy driving at? So next time just try to write something east to understand, don't dig to much into philosophy right? And keep it down kid.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Oct-2000 02:36 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
I am sorry Rus that wrote all that stuff to you. I shouldn't have.
Just forget what was written. I've mistaken in you.
You really missed the point, I didn't get mad at you kid, you are not worth it.
Sorry that wasted your time.
I won't reply to your messages anymore, and to all messages that concern you. If you ever want to contact me, write an e-mail.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Oct-2000 03:03 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666

Hey Rus!

you are fuckin' crazy! I like you dog!

go ahead, keep it goin' man!


[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Oct-2000 03:17 AM
 Re: My previous message was #666
Hey Davido, I like the response man. I think you are a cool dude, so keep it up. I got a room full of your pictures and your posters man, well I am kidding man, but those pictures were good, you are a pimp. Anyways, I hope you get to read this message, I am just fucking around here man, so I decided to post some crazy shit. I hope you understand. Alrighty, hit me back,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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