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14-Aug-2001 02:40 AM
HEY YA ALL! Wazzzup.
Shit, where in hell are ya from? You bullshitter artur! HEy ya, listen to me dude. Just one more shitty word and you gonna regret, aight? Just mind what you saying to the people WHO kindly ALLOWED you to stay here in the forum. Just dont act like a jerk, and bare in mind that asses are kicked even in US OK? Hope you get what I'm trying to COMMUNICATE to ya.

PROPER! Wazzzup! HOws life buddy? Geez, Its kinda nice to see new people here! I just got back from my damn work, as usual opened the forum and WAS SURPRISED to see new post Hey that cool, dont ya think so? Hey but dont be afraid to kick some lilly-asse-fresh-flesh-jerky-shit outta here OK?
How life in UKraine? By the way did I tell ya all that I am in GAY LANDS OF CANADA??? I though it would be way better here. HUGEONE, listen to me bro, hope you gonna read that! CANADA SUCK GREAT DEAL! FOR SURE!!! And dont argue with me, and US kickes asses, BUT UKRAINE kickes everybody's else ASSES!
OK, everybody, hope you gonna get here and read the stuff shortly. HEy one more question! Did anyone, while in US, ever heard about Phi Kappa Pi frat chapter? Ga? Let me know!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Aug-2001 05:55 AM
Hey, Taras, glad you are doing OK. I guess I already knew you were in Canada, Neo told me a few weeks ago. Btw, how is the weather over there, bro? Hot, windy...?

Btw, we are thinking about establishing Alumni Club? What do you think? You can be our man overseas ))

About new guys - yeap, that's cool. I really like it - the tradition goes on. In addition, that kinda boy Artur and others I guess are from UPEnn1 - s...t, from the place, man?!!! Anyway, everything looks to be the same even this year, with new guys - just-made friends, sadness about leaving, etc. I hope they will cope, because they will - ACTR does not take "mother's boys" in the program.

Yeap, bro, chat here does not work, and I donno when it's gonna work. So, I will probably create a chat room in Yahoo, where we can meet... I will let you know ))

Take care
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Fri Sep 01:09 pm
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