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14-Jun-2002 06:59 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
Hey guys!
Taras, thanks, chto vupjesh za nas. Po nashemy vremeni eto bydet v 12 chasov dnya, my graduation, tak chto esli ya bydy ikat, to bydy znat, kto obo mne dymaet)
Proper, ya za tebya tozhe vupju, vot i napjus!!!)
Ok, privet vsem)(chtob nikto ne obizhalsya, chto ya kogo-to ne vspomnila!)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Jun-2002 12:55 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
You know, I just love to write the eleventh message, since it makes the topic hot ;). The main purpose though is to say hi to everybody here again . Hope you're doing good. Olesya, good luck with your diploma, and Proper, the same to you on your state exams. You're lucky you have the state exams left only. I still havce to pass 2 regular exams, 1 diploma research work, and 2 State exams .

K, keep in touch.

Love ya,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Jun-2002 05:54 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Roxy jan, you made it hot, I'll make it hotter
U menya 20ogo nichego ne zakanchivaetsa, no mojete za menya toje vypit' ))) ya je znayu vam by tol'ko za chto vypit' ) Osobenno Tarasu )
Prop and Oles', GOOD LUCK!!! with those darn exams, mine are gonna be over by the 1st of July
By the way, drink for Andranik as well, Oles'ka ty je ego pomnish'... On zakonchil svoy institut i postupaet v American University of Armenia... Drink to hist good luck as well.... a mne pit' nel'zya.... exams... nichego, zakonchu toje vypyu kak sleduet )
Love ya all and XOXO
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Jun-2002 07:46 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Nu vot, zdelala iz mena alcaholica! Cho uzhe na svoyo den rozhdeniya niza vypid sholi!???? P Uzhas kakoyto, pramo na kryliah nochi!
Slushayte, a komu zhe ya kogdato vysylal svoy staryi kursak po Jargonam, etc??? Kto po etomu diplom pishet!?? Anu priznavaytes!! POmoglo?
Vsem privet, happy weekend
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Jun-2002 10:02 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
PRivet rebyatki

Kak vashi nichegoshki??? U menya vse tak zhe kak i v proshlyy raz, tak chto povtoryatsya ne budu . Alina, povezlo tebe, 1 July vse zakanchivaesh', a ya tol'ko 3 (pomuchayus' na 2 dnya bol'she ). Nu eto niche, glavnoe chtob vse uspeshno proshlo.

Tarasische: u tebya kazhetsya po zhargonam computernym bylo da? Ty mne posylal spasibo . U menya zaschita budet to li 29 to li 27. Tochno ne pomnyu. Ochen' prigodilas' mne tvoya rabota.

Properyok, a ty che voobsche ischez-to? Davno ot tebya sovsem nichego i ne slyshno!

Ok, gotta go.

Love ya all,

P.S. Kstati o spirtnykh. U menya tozhe exameny i nel'zya poetomu vypit' lishnego... Da i ne osobo ya lyublyu sirtnoe... No menya podruzhka priglasila s nimi gde-to posidet', da pivka popit'... Poka chto otkazat' ne reshilas'... ;)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Jun-2002 04:55 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Hello people,
I am still here and dropped in just to check out whether you are alive! And you ARE! That's cool.

It is coming that I will be drinking for everybody on the 20th of June. All - I promise I will have a cup for everybody! Hopes I will have enough energy to fight alcohol in such quantities ))

Actually, I am on vacation now and went to the workplace to check my e-mail. I will be out for about a month, but I will sometimes get the Net in Internet cafes. SO, even though I might not respond promtly, I will be with you, guys!

Cheers and good luck to everybody with all those exams
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Jun-2002 05:30 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Yo ppl!

Long time no talk! heh?

Kak tam everyone is doing? Ne mogu skryt svoey radosti shto vy vse echo syuda zahodite ya sam davno perstal tut byvat.... dumal shto vse umerlo but hell no!

A couple of words 'bout me... hm... poslezavtra zachita diploma... u menya on prakticheski ne gotov... sednya budu vsyu noch delat... i zavtra mne predstoit celuy den' begat sobirat vsyakie recenzii i drugoy shit... and if I make it... poslezavtra u menya uje budet diplom specialista po "menedjment vneshneekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti"...

shto echo... ko mne sechas priehal drug iz Warsaw... so I'm kinda chilling out... ah... da... paru pictures...

that's famous Berlin Wall... the one that separated East and West Berlin...

and another one...

and more...

Well... that's about it....

Keep up!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Jun-2002 08:19 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
Hey narod!
This reminds me of old good time in states!

Good luck to all who still have exams and thesis!

As for me, I'll have my thesis in Nov-Dec.
Leaving for my internship soon.

Glad to see your posts! (even Neo showed up!

What do you plan for summer?

Best, Nurbek.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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