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18-Jun-2002 09:45 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
Hey ppl,

Glad to see newd messages every time I come in here .

I passed all of my regular exams. I have two states and my diploama left, but that's still enough to keep me nervous... I have no time to get ready for any of them: The day after tomorrow I have my diploma defense, the next day I have my first state exam (German - and I don't know a damn thing in german!), then in 5 days the las one.

Good luck to all of you,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

21-Jun-2002 03:34 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Nice to see this place coming alive.... Dumayu vsem nexvataet obshenia starix druzey Roxy jan, don't worry, be happy, everything will be fine. ya uje poluchila dve pyaterki i odnu 4, philosophiu ne sdala i eshe 2 ekzamena ostalos'... no derjus'.. vy toje derjites'...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Jun-2002 11:15 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
Oy, starye, dobrye litsa!!! Alina-jan, ty prava, ne khvataet obscheniya so starymi druzyami po programme ;).

How ya guys doin' out there in your howmtowns (if you ARE there)? If not, then how ya doin' elsewhere?
As for me, I'm doing good. Eti urody izmenili raspisanie nashikh eksamenov, i poluchilos' tak chto ya 17 sdavala predposledniy eksamen (tekuschiy), 18 posledniy, a 20 uzhe byla zaschita diplomnoy. No eto by vse nichego, da 21 byl pervyy gos po nemetskomu. Po diplomnoy poluchila 4 (odna ster'va tam pomogla ), a po nemetskomu... Sama do sikh por udivlyayus' kak eto ONI - MNE - PO NEMETSKOMU postavili... 5!!! YAHOO!!!
Sleduyuschiy i posledniy uzhe gos budet 26. A s sentyabrya 5 kurs .

Kstate govorya, posle 26, esli nam prodlyat grant, ya vsyu sebya posvyashu svoey rabote... azh do samogo sentyabrya . Nu obozhayu ya svoyu rabotu i inache ne mogu .

Love ya all,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Jun-2002 03:28 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Hi guys! it was nice to read all this stuff. I do not know most of u, but I also had nice time....maybe now not so old....only a month ago that time was a reality for,,,,everything is different, but I still hope that FSA-commuity is alive.
my best regards to all of u
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jun-2002 09:13 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
Hey, Lady Winter
Ne grusti... posmotri na eto s takoy tochki zreniya, esli by u tebya byl vybor projit' eto vse i potom rasstatsa so vsemi druzyami s kotorymi ty poznakomilas'... ili sovsem do not have the experience... shto by ty vybrala???? Ya etot vopros zadala sebe i znayu chto ya ochen' shasliva shto vstretila vsex cool people of FSA
Molodets Roxy jan u menya uje dva likvida .... Nurbek i Neo, nice to see you all around...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jun-2002 07:08 PM
 Re: I met the new ones
Zdarov ludi!
Blin, vot sizhu i dumayu, a ya ved tozhe mog v etom godu zakonchit univer, zabrat diplom i vso takoye. Ehh, zhal chto ne poluchilos, i chto mena s univera poperli v Ukraine. Zato ya vas vseh pozdravlayu s vypusknymi, zaschitami. Zhelayu horosho ustroitsa,a tem kto idet v magistraturu, zhelayu mnogo mnogo terpeniya i vyderzhki, a to ved eto delo ne prostoye, vivat magistrae ))
A easho, zdes takoy pacanchik kogdato byl, Zhena zvat kazhetsa, on s Upstate New York. Vot, esli ty esho zahodish suda, napishyka email kak nibut, ya v subotu v NYC yedu na paru dney, mozhet by vstretilis, yak b tebe podyehal by, OK?
NU vso rebata, vsem vesologo leta, i uspeshnoy zdachi examenov, hota, ne stoit izza nih slishkom perezhyvat, vso eto melochi zhyzni, kak govoritta "mundane errands"
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Jul-2002 05:39 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
I am alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wassup pipl!!!!
Roxy! dude! Where have you been maan!!!!!!!!!!
Xray, ALincho, Proper..........guys, remember me!???????????
I was so happy to see all these messages. U still post all yo' stuff here; this is so coooooool!
I am done w/ all exams, guys!!!! I am out of school!!!
Finally huh!!!?
I keep in touch w/ Nino, Ira calls me on the phone. Have seen Nurbek in winter, right!?
I have seen these dudes here too. They just came back this month. They r so like me; u know what I mean; they r so american-lookin' freaks. oh well...
Roxy, so u work!??? where? as a journalist, huh? u rock, dude!
as for me, am lookin' 4 a job, found one as a part-time thing. it sux here in terms of findin' job.
Nurbek, what's up w/ u!? What kinda intern do u have? Yo' guys like Kuba, Mira and others r here in Osh; guess leavin' this week.
LOTS OF LUV.............................
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Jul-2002 10:56 AM
 Re: I met the new ones
Icy!!! Sup, woMAN? ;)
Missed me huh? I missed ya too . Yup, I'm working as a TV-reporter. Great, aint it?
Oh, yeah, people, I don't think I've told you this yet: I'm going for a one month training on journalism to Kayrakum. Karakum is a rest zone in Tajikistan where everybody wants to go for summer - you know, sunny beach, lotsa beer and no control ;). The one bad thing is that I'm going there on training, while I'm feeling like I'm more concentrated on a good rest than on the training (actually it is for the rest that I'm going on trainig... ;))
Will be back in a one month time.
Lurve ya all,

Ice, keep it up, keep comin' here .
Masha, ty gde? Voobsche propala... Neuzheli ty bol'she na nasha (((
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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