Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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06-Mar-2001 02:49 AM
I am a big, big girl
In this big, big world!
actually in this portal!
what's wrong with these chat rooms!?? I cannot find anybody!!! Nino! I was in Deleware, but couldn't find you! sorry about that!
we shell try to bid again, probably tomorrow, no more late...
take care,
love, Ice
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Mar-2001 07:03 AM
 Re: LOST!!?
Privet, Ice
Ya k nam zaxodila dvazhdy, no Nino tam ne bylo. Byl tol'ko Gene i Zukerka )
No mojet vstretites' eshe ne bespokoysya
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Mar-2001 06:34 PM
 Re: LOST!!?
Spasibo Alincho.
ya uje nashla ee i uspokoilas. no vse taki inogda chto-to inogda prosihodit s tim chatom.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Sat Sep 11:09 pm
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