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15-Aug-2001 06:29 AM
  Poslednee dykhanie...
When was the last message I posted here? Don't remember, but if I checked I'm sure it would be a long time ago. What was the last time I checked on AbroadPlanet? Don't even remember... May be it was then, when I just came to check if someone added some new pics. But that was long ago too. And then... today...
I suddenly typed "" in the browser, don't even know how it came to my mind. I typed not like I type any other site's URL just to go there and see it... it was just like a memory, a ghost. And here I came... I didn't go on and check every forum like I would do before; I jsut entered this one knowing it was the most popular, and if there were new messages, they would be in here. So I am in "UPenn 1"... First thing I look at is the number of chatters... And I know there woud be none, but jsut checking... it's just a habit. Further... I read the topics and the usenames that posted them. Some I know, some I don't. I didn't just read every message, as I would do before; not even all the messages of the people I once used to know. I opened one of those messages, read half of it... Didn't get a single thing what it is about; I opened another one... same thing - no sign I could ever know what it is about... and no traces that I ever was here... prolly my posts are way back in the archive, just like a memory... or like they never existed.
Suddenly I saw me click on "post a message" and a table I once used to see alot popped out. I typed "komsaid1"... and thought a lot about what my password was... If you'd tell me I'd forget it 3 or even 2 months ago I'd laugh... but now... I typed it still not sure it would work out, and even while writing this message still not sure it will work.
Then the topic line... what's the theme of the day I wondered, who will read it? who' sgonna visit the site again of those I know? Will there be someone who'd recall my nick in their memories? and a lot o fother questions that never came to my mind before, when I came to AbroadPlanet... And for the first time I felt as a ghost, like a dying bird making the last efforts to fly... What is it? Am I just in a sentimental mood today? or is the last breath here? Or may be I should just go have a rest and everything will be fine tomorrow? But then when everything becomes fine... let's say tomorrow... I'll be all in work without a spare minute to breath freely.
And seems to me there are left only a few I know here... and the rest of the nicks I racall... and they seem to me ghosts as well...
Last breath? I hope no... but looks like the hope is getting frustrated. No, it's probably my mood that's just imagining it all, and just for today.

Hugs and kisses,
a loving ghost
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 06:50 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
Hello, Kom ))

Podojdem? ))

Well what a lowed mood, ah? Everything is the same here, people are still alive and you still have lots of friends all over the world, especially in Ukraine. The life is good. But I do not recognize you, Kom (( I hope it is really just a bad mood.

You keep coming, people are coming back, yes, they do come back. And we will not make the same mistake as perious years' guys did - we will remain friends and connected. Papa has already come back to Inet, and to portal in particular. So, we will work something out how to be in touch even more closely ))

Btw, what are you up to? Working? Resting?

I am sending you greetings from all the guys - Musliba(she will be back also soon), Mikola (the same), Neo (is already here), Alina, etc.

Drop a few lines having some free time.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 06:58 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
PROPER!!! ne uspela ya eschyo i pokinut' portal kak ty podnyal mne nastroenie... i vernul k zhinzi v portale . A pochemu ne v chate?
Ya schas rabotayu... S 22 na novuyu rabotu perekhozhu.

Pishi... ty zhe znaesh' moy a-mail...

Igoryok, PODOZHDEM!!!!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 07:28 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
Roxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Properyuga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

po staroy privuchke proveryayu portal...... uvidel mesagi Roxy.... nu ty devushka daesh) takuyu story nakatala)) a znaesh..... sednya naverno den' takoy..... magnitnue buri.. torsionue polya etc)))
ya vot toje s utra vstal i na menya takaya toska nahlunula.... sel za komputer.... i tak mne vpadlo rabotat'.....
sechas postavil kartoshku varit')))) kak v starue dobrue vremena v mississippi)))) ato mivina menya uje dostala)))) (tem kto ne znaet, ya jivu alone, renting an appartment... i ya strashno lenivuy)) )

nu niche.... sechas pokushayu..... proydu seans muzyko-terapii and I'll be fine))

To proper.... slush bro, ne trogay nichi mesagi, poust' tam pishut shto hotyat...
moje vnature sdelat' novuy forum im...
no....ya sechas siju na dial upe....i eto mne nado budet celuy den' tuda faylo zalivat'..... i eta proklyataya pominutka is killling me... gde moya T3!!!!???
nu niche.. if things go well in a month I'll have at leat ISDN... which is not that bad...

che echo... to Artur and co:
Znaesh.... tu mne svoim bazarom napominaesh odnogo druga.... toje armyanin.. Armen... mu s nim pol Gruzii peshkom proshagali! horoshiy paren'..... toka odin raz izza ego bazarov mu chut' v sereznuyu peredryagu ne popali....

to kukushonok: zaviduem govorish..... I don't think so...
prosto mu smotrim na vas i na nas nahodyat vospominaniya....... no eto uje proshlo... ego ne vernut'.. i votroy raz uje budet ne tak...

vo vam pary tipsov, hot' vu i ne prosili:
1) naschet amerikanskih druzey. Pervuy semestr vseh ochen' tyanet obchat'sya s amerikosami, apotom kogda tebya dostaet ih tupost' to nachinaesh obchat'sya libo s drugimi NIS students ili na hudoy konec s drugimi internationalami.
Kak pravilo eto tak.... est' koneshno i isklyucheniya, no mainstream idet po etomu puti.

2) da.... ponimayu... kogda vas posle Philly zakiduvayut v kakuyuto dury nachinaetsya culture shock....
mu boroslis' s etim tak shto kajduy vecher vse sobiralis' v chat! pomogalo!
tak shto u r welcome... moje echo i ya s vami pochatayu))

3) muzuka ochen' pomogaet.... libo zanyat' sebya interesnum zanyatiem.. u menya bulaklasnaya rabota na kotoroy ya propadal...

nu eto tak....
koroche mne vlom bolshe pisat' mojet k vecheru echo zalezu proverit' mesagi...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 07:32 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
Nu vot, vi dolzhni otdat' nam dolzhnoye i priznat' chto vash forum ozhevilsya, ya ne imeyu vvidu chto on umiral or something, but still i have been watching, and you gotta admit
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 08:21 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
I admit
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 08:38 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
Hey, bro, I do not think it is a good idea to create a new community. While we commnicate together, those ones in the US will learn at least a bit from us. In addition, we will be glad to have some memories (as you said), so let it be...

About advice to "new-comers":

1) As Neo mentioned, you will get a little sick when you are sent from UPenn to other states; we had the same thing. It is really a good idea to keep communicating through this forum and e-mail.

2) Make as many american friends as possible. They will be of great use in a while (even driving to a shopping center is better to do on a roommate's car).

3) Study good, guys. You will not beleive, but americam professors do value when somebody shows good knowledge. In addition, you should let others see that you are cool guys. The cooler you are, the better the treatment to you.

Well, any questions, ask
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 09:00 AM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
Neo, Proper, I think your advises could be of great help... But beleive me it's hard to understand it before you go through it yourself... Don;t know about you, but beleive me I had been given a lot of advises before I went to the States... almost all the same advises... but one just has to go through it. But still... good advises you gave!
A na schet ucheby... deystvitel'no nado khorosho uchit'sya... a esli trudno daetsya, to ni v koem sluchaer ne hesitate podoyti k professou i rasskazat' o vashey probleme, skazat' chto vam nuzhna pomosh'... oni pomogatyut, deystvitel'no. A esli etogo ne sdelaete v nachale, to vo vremya sessii budet uzhe slishkom pozdno. Oy.. che ya i sama tut rassovetovalas'!

Have fun guys...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 03:21 PM
 Re: Poslednee dykhanie...
Roxy! ;) Nu ty mena i ROZCHLYLA (rastrogala po russki)
A esho advise-NE PROSTO PODHODIT K PROFESORU, a dveri e ego/eyo kabinet vyshybat nogoy!!! I dostavat ih po polnoy programe esli shoto ne yasno! Vse ponali? ;)
U mena seychas tozhe narod takaya zhe problema kak i u vas, registriruyusa na kursy v UofT. I sho vy dumayete? Vy govorite sho advisery nihera ne znayut v Shtatah!! Da tut v etoy trahanoy Canade adviserov vashe netu i ne budet!!!! A regestrirovatsa na kursy nado online ili po telefonu! Tak vot prihoditsa hodit k profesoram I NOGAMI DVERI VYSHYBAT!! OOOOOCHEN pomagayet LOL Chego i vam zhelayu.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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