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11-Mar-2001 09:16 AM
Yo, Neo, learn how to make real good shit!

This picture should replace your annoying cheesyass

face on the homepage of this portal.

Chill'em niggaz out and wait for more cool shit

coming from the Emory Killahz!

Ruslito & Yerkito
[ This message was edited by: YeRKiN on: 3-11-2001 10:15 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Mar-2001 05:45 PM
oi, mamochki, eto naverno tol'ko u menya v poslednee vremya ))
posle vcherashnego movie "the cell", chto kak ya rassudila bylo sdelano kak Intro to Sadomazoxizm 101, otkryvayu segodnya portal i pervoye chto ya tam viju etu picture, nu, dumayu: it's all coming back to me ))
no ya tak smeyalas'!!
molodci!! nastoyaschiy talant!
love, vasha masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Mar-2001 11:25 PM
a na Neo vy zrya naexali, ochen' milo mejdu prochem )
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Mar-2001 03:18 AM
GREAT JOB!!! I was so tired, that felt lzy even to come and check portal, but i'm glad i did )).



BTW, Neo did a great job too! You shouldn't say that about him. That was for women, and that was for 8 march, so what he made was appropriate to what he made it for!

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 3-13-2001 04:17 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Mar-2001 12:22 AM
Fuck y'all, all of yo, if you don't like this - blow me!

We've been busting our motherfucking asses over this freaking picture for hours till 5 am, and all you can give us as a feedback is this flaccid fucked up shit?!!! Y'all suck big time, fat-ass motherfuckers!


PS: Musliba and Komsaid, you're the best! Thank you for everything! We love you, babes!!! P-L-U-R!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Mar-2001 05:42 PM
Posle togo kak na vxode v portal pojavilas' eta **** fotografija, s etoj malogramotnoj nadpisjy, vse moi xoroshije chystva k portaly ( kotorix i tak malo ostalos', posle nekotorix incedentov) bistro propali. SMENITE NAXREN ETY FOTKY, mat' vashy .... Yerkin , Proper .. ny Neo nakonec-to .. poimejte sovest'... eto zhe ne personal home-page, a PORTAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IN USA ... pochemy zhe togda tam visit kakaja-to primitivnaja fotografija ( Rozochka na fone polyprozrachnogo Neo, kak old is Neo on that pick? 16? 17?). Neo y nas ne fotomodel po-mojemy, a moderator. Xotite veshat' fotky, poveste ... ny ... Mily Yovovich naprimer, ili Denis Richards ... ili vot Yerkina s Rysom ..(takije zhe krasavci : ) glavnoje - NE POZORTE ETOT PORTAL nizkoprobnimi fotografijami. Menya pryamo rvet kazhdij raz kak ja nabirajy "" ... ja sebe dazhe ssilky directly na community sdelal, chtobi isbegat' pagybnix start-pages


[ This message was edited by: ratmir on: 3-19-2001 17:03 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Mar-2001 06:44 PM
It looks cool! I had not chance to reply to you earlier, guys, I was on "break-brake"!!!
Anyway, maybe it would be better if Neo's photo would be replaces by our photos - each of us for 1-3 days: so we could see everyone's photo...

Warmest regards,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Mar-2001 06:57 PM
hm... critika vsegda nujna, as long as it is costructive...
vobchem da, tot risunik tam zavalyalsya.. priznayu, it was notsupposed to be there all that time... a toko na 8.. no ya uehal na spring break i ona tak i ostalas'..
cse, teper ubral, naschet neprevracheniya portala v homepage - ves'ma rezonnoe zamechanie.. s etim soglasen na vse 100, skoro echo i brat3 uberu..
i vobche, uje gotovuy novuy design, i uje polovina contenta gotova... kogda budet vse to vstavlyu..

a vot naschet grafiki.... nu tut tu proganyaesh... ya v etom mississippi odin iz luchuh designerov (ne moi slova)... i v svoe vremya ya bul luchim designerom Khmelnitskogo... i ya sam schitayu shto ya eto umeyu delat'prichem horosho....
i tot image bul neplohim s tochki zreniya designa...
Yerkinvskiy image kstati u nih raznue funkcii...

ladno... che tam govorit...esli tebe rat interesno - mogu dat' ssulki na svoi rabotu shtobu ne krichat' zrya... web design... pechatnaya grafika... shto ugodno...i na tvoi kstati toje hotelos' bu posmotret'... pomnitsya tu kogdato govoril shto tu designer...
ladno, ne budem opuskat'sya do etogo kogdameryayutsya u kogo dlinee...

koroche, vsegda budut lyudi kotorum shtoto ne budet nravitsya.... vsem ne ugodish... da i ne nado... i tut nado smotret' na majority, radi odnogo-dvuh ya ne budu vse lomat' esli it works fine with the rest...

ladno, looking forward hearing more comments and suggestions!

P.S. kstati.... tu prakticheski edinstvenuy kto mne daet kakoyto feedback!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Mar-2001 08:51 PM
Guys, what is so wrong with you all???All i see is this fighting and criticism in those messages.I just see no point in all this...Someone writes something and "20" people are after him or her proving what is good(better) and so on..I don't think it's very nice or polite to criticize others...If anyone is better then others just SHOW it to us..and we'll judge whether that is so or not.
I myself am "0" in all those web designs and stuff..So guys am amazed what you can do!This picture up there is quite cool.But just stop putting others down.Should we forget that others have feelings too and "things" can make them feel bad and depressed???I think this place should be something where you can get support and warmth from friends!At least that's what i look for and hope to get from you!Sorry guys,i just felt bad for some people!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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