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28-Oct-2000 04:52 PM
  Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Now that I have everyone's attention, I am not going to say sorry for what I do in this portal. I just want to share with you something that happened at Emory last night. For laid-back country folks from North Dakota I want to clarify, that was Halloween (no offense folks). Anyway, as you all know people dress up for that kind of event. I wore a U.S. ARMY AIR FORCE shirt, and my face was painted. So that was funny to watch. So here's what was going on. There was a big party out in the MC Donough field, there were huge tents pitched in the field and a shitload of people dancing inside. But they did not serve alcohol there. So everybody found ways around it right? Some fellas and I went to the UA complex. Those kids had a pre-party there and a lot of booze. As always I got something to drink but that was not that much, a couple of beers and a 4-5 shots. I can take much more. So I was a little drunk but just a little. Some people say that I always get fucked up, now I want to tell you something friends, those are fucking hypocrites. You will understand what I mean later. So far so good, we got drunk and a huge crew of Emory students took a shuttle and went to the BFP, which stands for Big ...Party (that acronym was made up by me actually). When I got there I realized that I did not have my ID with me, so the security guards would not let me in, although I was trying to persuade them just as we do in Ukraine. So had to go back to the dorm. When I got back they let me in and I was happy cause the party was really big. A shitload of people, wearing really cool costumes. But I wasn't bad myself. So I was really having a good time but here's what happened later. Well to make a long story short, I hooked up with this girl right and we are dancing, and i can tell she is drunk, because of her behavior (you know what I mean). And for some reason she is trying to hold unto this post, well then when she holds onto me and I lose my balance cause she pulls me down and we fall over. Now that was a lot of fun folks but the cops appeared from nowhere and started asking me questions. They thought I was trying to rape her. Well since I was sober, I convinced them that I was in full control of the situation and that I was really sober. Well they believed me and went away for now. Then I think we kept dancing, and the next thing I notice is that the girl is really wasted. Then she falls over a few times and I get her up and try to drag her outside for some reason. Just because YA NIKOGDA NE PYANEYU I figured that it would be better to take her outside; my natural instincts make me realize that it would be better for her to get some fresh air although those were tents and there was a lot of fresh air in there. Anyways I just kinda thought it would be better to find a quiet secluded spot, well don't even think about it, I was trying to help her, secluded place away from that loud music to sober her up a little. So I drag her outside and we sit down by the tent. She could not take it for very long and just passed out. Just passed out on the lawn. How is that????? Now again the cops came over and tried to arrest me for a sexual assault, I convinced those stupid idiots that I was sober, it took them awhile to understand the situation and then they called the paramedics. They told me to back off, kept asking me what I had done to her, what she had been drinking and so on. Then a group of paramedics came over and took the matter under advice. Well I don't know, but now I feel bad about it. OH my GOD, I am such a SHIT. That is my fault that she was taken to the hospital. If we had just stayed inside that shit would not have happened. And perhaps later I could have walked her to her dorm. Now this girl might as well get in trouble, because I am pretty sure she is a freshman. That is definitely my fault but I did not know about the cops, they were all over the place. Goddam bastards. Some people got busted down the frat row. I think there was a fight or something. So that is very sad. I don't know what is going on tonight, but I have had 2 parties in a row and it is only Saturday. Well Yerkin went to the BAL (I don't know the spelling) also. And those girls were all over him, I am not shitting you. That is the story which is sad and indeed disturbing, so post you messages if you have any ideas.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

28-Oct-2000 06:08 PM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Eh, Rus...
What a problem. Still it was good what you have done to that girl. When you get intoxicated with alcohol, the best aid is the one received from DOCTORS, not from fresh air, or a good long sleep... If you would have stayed inside, her health would have been damaged even worse.
I feel sorry for such girls, but I understand her. Sometimes you just can not stop and go on till you get into BIG troubles that "wake" you up to reality...
You have acted like a real man, and stop blaming yourself...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

29-Oct-2000 12:17 AM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Dornabella, you are right. There was nothing I could do. She was just out. Thanks for the response, nice webpages, I checked them out.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

29-Oct-2000 02:40 AM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Rus just tries to conceal the fact that he wasn't able to take advantage of the situation and acted like a loser. Anyway, fortunately everything turned out well for all the parties enolved.

Ok, I hope that girl won't sue you after she wakes up in the hospital [obscenity deleted]


[ This message was edited by: YeRKiN on: 10-29-2000 00:44 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

29-Oct-2000 04:11 AM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Well, as I have learned during my Interpersonal Communication class - communication is irreversible. That is good I have not posted any obscenity, so I have nothing to delete...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Nov-2000 04:12 AM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Well when I heard this I kinda thought kiss my white naked a... The world has seen many trivial and ridiculous things happen but this is something out of scope. Yerkin Sadykov is the moderator of this portal. I have been laughing off my ass for 5 consecutive days.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Nov-2000 04:34 AM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Better get used to the idea... Might be helpuful in the future
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

20-Nov-2000 10:24 PM
 Re: Hey fellas, I repent of what I did
Beeeeeeeeeee.... Sounds intelectually, don't you think?! ))))

[ This message was edited by: dornabella on: 10-29-2000 01:10 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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