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27-Sep-2000 06:51 AM
  MSU, Mississippi is not such shit as it looked like for the first time!
Hello, ACTR students!!!

This is Igor from Mississippi State University. I want to tell you something about our stay here.

There are 8 of us here. It seems that 8 people is the biggest amount of students ever sent by ACTR to any american university. It is cool: we can any time turn to everyone from our students for help, money & so on. We are getting quite freindly here. At first time we even went everywhere together - eating, shopping, sports...Now it is not so, because every one of us has got a lot of things to deal with in person, separately.

One stuff that is really amazing here is that ACTR has not given us any meal plans, but only money to buy food ourselves. That's why every 4-5 days we go shopping to the nearest shopping center. We have got Kroger, Wal-Mart, JC Penny anf some other famous names here. But, the cheapest one appeared to be Jitney-Jungle. In addition everybody can get a saving card in these shops. These cards enable you to buy different stuffing at lower prices. Do you have the same in your towns?

What about sports? Are there good opprtunities to go into different kinds of it in you universities?

Igor V. from hot Mississippi.

[ This message was edited by: Igor_Proper on: 9-27-2000 06:50 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

28-Sep-2000 02:25 PM
 Re: MSU, Mississippi is not such shit as it looked like for the first time!
Have you compared prices in WalMart and Jetney Jungle. I think in Wal they are cheaper.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2000 12:18 AM
 Re: MSU, Mississippi is not such shit as it looked like for the first time!
how much money accels give you for food?
they give us 280$ and this more than OK for a month.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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