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16-Jul-2002 11:09 AM
  a search help
Hello guys!
I wanted to ask those of you who remembers one topic from this forum. I think it was sometime in winter. It was about the fact that FSA participants who were in the States went to the conference in winter to Washington DC and got drunk there or something (just had fun together, ok?) So there was posted the letter from Eve to all the students here. I wanted to find this topic and don't know the name of it. I just need to show it to one girl, who is FSA also. So for those of you who still remember the topic or maybe posted it --- please, reply to this message.
Love you all!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

16-Jul-2002 02:13 PM
 Re: a search help
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

16-Jul-2002 02:36 PM
 Re: a search help
Hey Taras!
Thanks za soobschenie. Ya yzhe ego nashla.
Kak voobsche zhuzn? Kak Canada? Kogda bydesh vo Lvove?
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

20-Jul-2002 03:30 PM
 Re: a search help
Rad chto hot chem to pomog.
Zhyzn voobsheto idet, nikuda one ne denetsa. Belaya polosa-potom chernaya, potom esho kakogoto neopredelonnogo cveta
Kanada tozhe horosho, pravdazdes zharko kak v Afrike, no zhyt mozhno U nas zdes musorshiki strikovali pochti 3 nedeli!! VOnizm byl uzhasnyi na ulicah, ves trash skidyvali pramo na zemlu, prikolno tak, idesh, a pod nogami stoka vsego interesnogo valayetsa LOL. Shas pravda uzhe vso poubirali, k vseobshey radosti.
Domoy kogda poyedu! Da vot, ya sam seba takoy zhe vopros zadaval mnogo raz za posledniye paru mesacev. Rovno cherez 2 dna expires my return ticket to Ukraine. Ya dolgo dumal ili ehat domoy, ili net. Mena ubedili ostatsa. Krome etogo poyavilos 2 novyh job offera, nichego interesnogo chem by ya hotel zanimatsa, no vybirat ne prihoditsa. Byl u mena job interview nedavno, muchali 2 1/2 chasa, uzhas pramo kakoyto. Obzvonili vse references, ya dazhe udivilsa!!! Teper zhdems. Poetomu poka zdes i sizhu, mozhet zimoy poyedu, posmotrim ;)
V Univere pomenal major. Shas u mena Economics, nikogda by ne podumal chto mne eto budet interesno!! Ya azh sam udivilsa kogda pervyi examen napisal na A (ranshe u mena ni odin examen v CAnade vyshe C- ne byl LOL).
Nedavno ezdil s drugom v New York, bla!!! POyehali my na mashyne, experience prosto ubiystvennyi byl! Protorchali pol dna v probke na Manhattane izza piderastov. Oni tam urody Gay Parad ustroili i zastoporili ves traffic. Vesologo malo! Ty ne poverish, no ya takim chuvstvom patriotizma pronalsa k Canade za etot weekend v New yorke, chto ya rad byl uvidet Canadskiy flag na tamozhne , mne chesno, zdes nravitsa bolshe chem v US, pravda chasto vspominayu proshlyi god, vspominayu s priyatnym chuvstvom na dushe Zhalko chto suda v forum vso menshe i menshe ludey zahodit, a esli i zahodat, to nichego ne pishut. PEOPLY, prihodite suda pochashe, budem vmeste vspominat!
Segodna weekend, edim so znakomymi na camping, celyi mesac sobiralis, i vso ne poluchalos ne poluchalos, to rabota u vseh, to shkola, to esho kakayato erunda. Ehh, proshli te bezbashennye vremena, kogda nichego ne planirovalosa, a vso delalos po obkurke ili ot fonarja. Starost ne radost nichego ne podelat.
Vot blin, izveni chto takoy dlinnyi message ostavil, sam ne zametil kak ego nakatal, choto u mena slishkom filosofskoye nastroyeniye seychas segodna.
Zhelayu teba prikolnogo bezbashennogo weekenda, i legkoy rabochey nedeli.
DErzhys, pishy, i priezhay v gosto po vozmozhnosti, vsegda budem rady
@>---/-- eto tipa cvetochek byl LOL
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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