Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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17-Aug-2000 07:25 PM
Privet, narod iz ACTR. Klasno chto etot forum pol'zuetsya takoy populayrnost'u. U nas tuta ochen' jarko. Kogda v dorme sidsh, to esjche nichego (kondecioneru pashut), no kogda vuhodish outdoor - vrode v saunu vhodish. Naverno mesyaca cherez dva nas uje trudno budet otlichit' ot nashuh chernokojuh brat'ev.
Segodnya u nas registraciya bula, vecherom v bank poedem - otkruvat schet v banke.
S raspisaniem u menya problemu - iz 5 disciplin, kotorue ya vubral, 3 uje zabitu bitkom. Nadeus' na to, chto menya vsetaki zapishut v nih. U nas tut v klasu mogno regestrirovatsya ne tolko in person, a i by phone or Internet.
Prikinte, nas ACCELS obradoval - soobschil, chto dengi na food prishlut next week (pomnite ya vam govoril, chto u nas tut nikakoy meals plan). Tak cho poka vse v poryade. Po-tihon;ku privukaem.
Moy roommate, padlo, esche ne izvolili yavitsya - jdu ego so dnya na den'. A poka v komnate odin juvu.
Nu, wu pishite.
Eto bul Igor iz znoynoy Mississipi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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