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11-Oct-2000 02:11 AM
  For Rus!
vasyok, tuftu ne goni, vsyo ravno ne zagonish!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Oct-2000 06:23 PM
 Re: For Rus!
I don't give a shit what you think about my writings dude and I don't know who the f you are. So this is shitty man. This response seems offensive to me mf. But I don't give a shit. That is your problem not mine. If you don't like my stories that only implies that you are stupid dumbshit goddam dork. I hate those annoying dorks from FSA. People who got no f life experience who are f nerds and dorks. That is so shitty man. And most importantly those people got no sense humor. That is what makes them so pathetic. I don't know who you are in person, cause i probably have never met you mf, but if you are a cool guy we will really hit it off. I am a nice open-minded person. I am open to criticism but I hate when some jerks who are really worthless and who got nothin' to say on their behalf try to criticise my stories. People ask me stupid fu cking questions. Is Yerkin really the worst drunk on campus? Is Yerkin really the biggest pimp at Emory? Did he really pull that bitch? Well, if you believe all that shit then you are really stupid. I simply don't give a fuck. There is one moron out there. Calls himself SIMPSON. That jerk really pisses me off. If you know him tell him that Rus is pissed off by that shit and that he is going to kill him. Simpson is a jerk and a MORON. That jerk is from FSA. So that is what I hate about ACCELS. They just pull people off the street. They got either Kyiv Mogila Academy Rhodes scholars or some complete morons like that fag. Allright I digress, anyway dude if you are cool I think we will keep in touch, but if you are a shitty dork don't contact me cause I am sick of you little kids. All you do is annoy me. Anyway MALDER take it easy baby,
Rus from f Ukraine.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Oct-2000 04:04 AM
 Re: For Rus!
look man. noone really cares about ur fucking stories except the ones who are picked up from streets as u stated and who have nothing to do then to read that kind of bull shit. i have no idea what u have written about but i understood that it is a nothing more than a piece of shit from the first sight to ur topic sentence.
in the case of u! u know man i have no esteem need to keep in touch with people whom i never met but if u find urself deserved such honor u r wellcome.
what the fuck ever. u see man to tell a fuck thru this fucking net is what i find under my dignity. that is not what, a person who finds himself man enough, would do, so do i. i do neither criticize ur stories nor appretiate them. i am just saying:
but honestly, i do not know who the fuck ever writer is??
hasta la vista, baby!
a piece of fucking advice for u and for ur unperspective future:
"learn to distinguish the jokes and the comments or what the fuck ever is said to u, muchacho"
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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