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23-Aug-2001 12:33 PM
  Davajte znakomitsya :))
Hey everybody!
Tozhe kak -to polychilos chto ya gde-to lost bula, hot i pochti vse messagi chitala. Rada (ochen, esli chesno) videt novuh liydej y nas.
Davajte znakomitsya s novumi: ya Olesya s Ukraine, Ternopol. Na orientacii bula v University of Delaware, a ychilas v University of Wyoming (Neo, ne prikaluvajsya, a to yzhe slushno) Tak chto esli est kto-to either s Ternopolya ili s WY (Neo...), to let me know, ok?
Artur, y menya question. Tu govoril tu Ararata znaesh. Y nego tam kak s accessom k Internety v Armenii, a to on chego-to mne ne otvechaet...
Alinjan, derzhu e-mail i sorry za molchanie)
Anri, tu esche siyda hodish? Esli da, to kyda tu propal?
Taras! Bolshoj privet! )
Vsem starichkam ------- huggs and kisses. Novichkam -- tozhe (no voobsche-to ya ne kissaiys s neznakomumi)
Love you, guys and keep in touch --- that's important for us.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Aug-2001 08:29 PM
 Re: Davajte znakomitsya :))
A sho krome kak priveta peredat na bolshee teba ne hvatilo??? NU i na tom spasibo!
Wazzup! Spasibo za pismo, skoro otvet napishy.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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