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14-Apr-2001 04:21 AM
 Re: Cancer is SCARY!!!!
It's just that when you're working in a cancer research facility you'll eventually have to come across stuff like that.

There were 138 images and 5 QuickTime video clips... this thingy can gross you out.

Just chilling, kids, never mind.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Apr-2001 03:30 PM
 Re: Cancer is SCARY!!!!
Cancer , po moemy eto klevo... cancer eto klych k bessmertijy... xotya , dlya tex kto im sejchas bolejet, eto klych nemnogo v drygyjy storony. A voobshche, vi zhe prizadymajtes' - cancer cell mozhet zhit' vechno i delitsya skol'ko ygodno raz... ni odna kletka v chelovecheskom (da i lybom kotorij razmnozhajytsya cherez "sex") organizme dazhe blizko k nim ne stoit. Esli eto prirychit' - to bydem zhit'' dolgo-dolgo i naverno ochen' scastlivo, pochti kak v skazkax....

P.S. a naschet fotok, ja snachala podymal, chto eto sifilis.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Apr-2001 08:00 PM
 Re: Cancer is SCARY!!!!
cancer is evil...
You can talk about it scientifically, until it touches your life (astvats chani)... and then it becomes something immensely hateful and impossible to defeat... And then you stop talking about it...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Apr-2001 09:23 PM
 Re: Cancer is SCARY!!!!

Veteran-dude, you're right, junkies down here at the WCI are working on that sh... stuff besides treatment.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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