Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
21-Aug-2000 03:57 AM
  He.....,he......,he......, HELPPP uje ne nujna.
Ok,comrads. I'am alive. Thats meens that the party that took place in the new house of our new friends yersterday proshla without police participating in it. Kak povealo rodinoy na etoy vecherinke. Pravda tam buli some americans, but everything was very cool. Everybody drink as much as he will: vodka, beer, vine. Muzika igrala na vsyu okrygy, no ne odin sosed ne pribejal, kak ne prihal ne odin ment. So everybody napilic' kak pigs, srach na novoy hate dosich por takoy, chto v dom strashno zayti. But in common everything was ok, vse polyagali chasov v 5. We prospali breakfast and launch, horosho hot' na dinner uspeli. Ok, write how did you spend your weekends. Bye.

Mikola Mcloud.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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