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20-Aug-2000 12:23 AM
  A jit' mozhno!
Hi people!!! We already got used to our new "home". "WE" - eto Natalja, Tanja, Nurbek, Julia, Ainura i Dorina is Nebraski. We found out that Nebraska is a football state, the most popular colours here are the colours of their football team - red and white. At the party a couple of days ago there was a lottery, and Nurbek won a football ticket.
You know, there are a LOT of Russians here! Even some advisors and doctors speak Russian. So we have to be careful when we talk in the streets! (Vdrug kto-to poimet, kak my ego obozvali!!!).
Guys, what about our chat? Will it work? Neo, proyasni pozhalujsta situaciju. I kstati, rebjata, ne sabud'te pro rasnitsu vo vremeni mezhdu shtatami. Kak ja ponimaju, vremja v portale idet po mississippinskomu vremeni. Skolko tam raznitsa s Moskvoy?
Nu poka vsje
udachi vam v nelegkoy nashey zhisni.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

20-Aug-2000 02:09 AM
 Re: A jit' mozhno!
Da, esli by u nas ne byloby Football team, my by uzhe naverno skisli. Vse amery zdes' cRazy about them.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

20-Aug-2000 03:32 AM
 Re: A jit' mozhno!
I am Olga from Omaha.... Nebraska seems to be a cool place... do you know that it takes the 1st place po otsutstviju bezrabotici...i here lives (in Omaha) the 2nd in the world richest man.. after Billy Gates. He drives 1994 goda vipuska car i voobche molodec! ne vipendrivaetsya
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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