Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
19-Aug-2000 12:44 AM
  Privet from North Carolina
Hi ACTR people,
nakonetsto vest' o sozdanii chooodesnogo accelovskogo foruma dokatilas' i do nashego sela.Nas toot v Severnoy Karoline troye: me(Serge Mayilo),Nadya Andrus i Chingiz.Vobshem my toot neploho oostrilis,no bolshie problemi s vyborom classes-eti americnci vsyo do nas razobrali,ostalis' odni obyedki.U nas toot very scarce of russians and ukrainians, tak sho duzhe soskoochilis za rosiys'kou ta ukrayins'kou movami.Nas toot tozhe sobirayutsya platno chem-to kolot,tak chto my dvoomya rookami za to chtobi ACCELS vsyo oplatil.Having international student paty soon.Tak cho vsem oodachi
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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