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21-Sep-2000 03:08 PM
  Dlya Rusa - otzyv na tvoi research paper
Izvini za pozdnyi otzyv, no luchshe pozdno chem nikogda.
I really appreciate your writing skills, It was interesting for me to read your report "Kak oblojalsya moi dryg". So let me comment your story - I think it's worth doing it.

First of all, not all people in Kazakstan are "lazy bitches". I don't know how lazy Yerkin is, but is it really your business if he's lazy or not? We all are not perfect. U kajdogo svoi nedostatki. OK, you wanted to tell us that you are not lazy. Good guy! Ty daje ne polenilsya sxodit' v int'l office and to tell them about "your buddy".

Second. How does it feel like to be "Mr. Perfect"? You don't drink beer, you don't do drugs, you were the only sober person on the party, you were so embarrased for Yerkin. Kakogo je togda cherta ty vodishsya s takimi plohimi mal'chikami kak Yerkin i hodish v takie podozritel'nye zavedeniya kak fraternity v 12 a.m? You were supposed to be in the bed already. Shame on you! Does your mom know how spoiled her baby is?

Third. Here in the US I met a lot of guys from the Ukraine and I can't say nothing but only good things about them. I definitely know that not all in Ukraine are like you. But I think that if I met you first, my opinion about Ukranian guys would be absolutely opposite.

The last. I don't know how old you are but I do know that those who came to the US don't need to be listened morals. We are already old enough to distinguish what is good and what is bad. But don't worry: if I need your advise how to behave myself, I'll definitely ask you about.

V zavershenii hochy skazat' chto in your "hot story" you tried to show us how bad Yerkin is and how we shouldn't behave ourselves in this country. What you did is to tell us about yourself being a good person.
Esli ty hotel pokazat' sebya s "luchshei storony" - tebe eto udalos'. Ty postupil tak, kak postypil by lyuboi dobroporyadochnyi amerikanets na tvoem meste.

We are all proud of you! Da zdravstvuet Rus! Rus RULEZ!
(ya dumayu ty hotel uslishat' eti slova v svoi adres)

Oh... Check out the word buddy in the dictionary. It's not what you are thinking about.

S uvajeniem,
Valera from Kazakstan (PennI - MSU).
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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