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01-Apr-2001 10:21 PM
  To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Dear FSA Undergraduate Students,

The American Councils of International Education, as a small present for spring and recognition of those striving to excellence, has decided to make changes in the policies of the organization as follows.
At the course of the year many students have expressed their interest in continuing and completing their undergraduate education in the institutions of higher education of the USA. However, as all of you know, the Two-Year Home Residency Requirement prevents their presence in the US after the completion of the FSA Undergraduate program, regardless of the aim of such presence.

It was brought up to our attention, that although students, and their home countries in general, benefit from this program, the impact could be deepened if students had an opportunity to complete their education in the USA, given that the American education in most of the fields of study is considerably developed here.
Therefore, all the students, who have a B+ Grade Point Average for both semesters, will have the opportunity to waive their Two-Year Home Residency Requirement and apply to the university or college of their choice.

A letter from ACTR, confirming the policy change, will soon be sent out to all those eligible.

FSA Ugrad.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Apr-2001 11:03 PM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Nice joke... But I would really want it to be real. However the person who wrote this didn't think of one thing... ACCELS would never write that in here. They'd better write an Email, send a letter... but never in the forum. Besides... ot nikh takogo dozhdis'!

Anyways, whoever wrote this, a nice unbelevable joke )) (or may be an unbeleivable nice joke ))

Truly yours,
The Director of Fresh Air
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 01:57 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya toje dumal shto eto ktoto putaetsya nas rezvesti na pervoe aprelya.....

no est' ochen' prostoy sposob..... ya poshel na website actr i deystvitelno u nih tam eto est'!!!!!!!!!!!

proverte sami!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 02:29 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Nda...prikol'no...osobenno pochti v konzce semestra eto uznat')Ia naprimer vo vtorom semestre kak by voobshe ne uchilsia)Tak chto GPA u menia budet nizhe urovnia polaxm...a mozhet i fundamentaXotia s drugoi storony ia suda ne ochen' to speshu vernutsia)Xex,zhal' eto ne shutka)a to pervoe aprelia u nas proshlo kak to grusnovato...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 02:44 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Navernyaka vse zadavalis voprosom: a chto takoe A otvet ochen prostoi: eto IP of Mississippi State University, mesto, gde i poyavilas na svet eta zamechatelnaya novost, a s nei i link vpridachu.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 02:49 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
krasche bulo bi yakscho ti bi vzagali ne davav cyogo linka. , bo B+ ce yakos' yavno ne pro mene....But still this is a good news, thats meen that I'll stay home and still this is just in time.....

[ This message was edited by: Mc on: 4-2-2001 02:35 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 02:58 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
razvel .... voprosov net ..... comentariev toje .....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 03:01 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Neo, tak shutiti ne nado.
nikakogo takogo saita na net.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 07:01 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
What I really want to comment on is not the content of this debate here but the guy who posted the reply above. This guy is so afraid to put the word "motherfucker" here that he actually sticks stars (***) in that word, like that makes him look more inteligent. That is sheer hypocracy to my mind. This kid's got all that bad stuff going on in his mind but he feels so uncomfortable to express that he has to keep it to himself. And then they say I ain't no inteligent man. Well, keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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