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14-Sep-2001 11:35 PM
  Terror ... How does it look from the inside... // nablydenija shpiona Ukrainskoj Armii
Dlya nachala anekdot, kotorij ja yslishaj ot dryga s MIT:

Zvonok prezidenty Byshy ot Saddama Xyssejna, vo vtornik 8:00 ytra:
-Allo, Prezident Bush, primite moi soboleznovanija po-povody terakta v New Yokre..
- ??? ... Kakogo terakta?
- ??? u-uupss .. izvinite, oshibsya. Ja vam cherez chas perezovony.

Ny i teper' pary factov togo chto ja tyt videl v Amerike.
1) Plakat na territorii Uniwersity of Wisconsin Madison. "Podstav' drygyjy sheky!!" (ny tipa esli tebya ydarili po odnoj , podstav' drygyjy..)

2) plakat na territorii MIT : "Victory despite all the terror" ...
cherez pol dnya, plakat bil ispravlen na "Peace despite all the terror"
no comments..

3) Slova prezidenta Busha, kak nazvanije statji v odnoj Gazete: "We will win this war!" (kakaj vojna.. s kem? etogo ja ne znajy.. gazety ja ne kypil..)

4) Amerika zajavila chto ona nedovol'na tem chto v nekotorix stranax sobitija v New Yorke ne peredajyt regylyarno po televizory. Ochen' nedovol'na.. Osobenno Kitaem.

5) Citata iz gazeti. "Studenti Amerikanci kotorije ychatsya za rybezhom , mogyt ne polychat' dostatochno informacii o teraktax i mogyt bit' lehko dezinformirovani mnenijem o proishedshem iz ne-Amerikanskix istochnikov . Chego tol'ko stojat slova stydentki iz Francii kotoraja ychitsya s nashej Emelie Johnson v Universitete v Ispanii: "Nobody knows when thousands of people died in Yugoslavija.. but looks like everybody supposed to know how many of them died in the US".
(Propaganda v Amerike, okazivaetsya ne xyzhe toj kotoraja bila pri sovetskom sojyze y nas.. Kto ne s nami tot protiv nas, etc..)

6) Nasha mestnaja gazeta prizivala ne piz**it' Arabov i zhitelej vostoka, potomychto oni tozhe prislali svoi soboleznovanija, oni tochno tak zhe skorbyat kak i mi vse. (znchit popolznovenija byli.. zachem zhe inache predyprezhdat')

7) Social'nij orpos pkazal, chto 40% Amerikancev yverenni chto komy-to nado dat' pizd**lej. Niktto ne znajet komy , no vse yvereni , chto komy-to dat' nado. Vot pary mnenij:
"all this nonsense about finding who did it is a joke... we know who did it... and we need to strike back hard, fast and devastating.... the man should be dead by the end of the week... just come out and say it... we want him.. and we want him dead... if he is in your country by sundown on Sunday we will flatten you fucking country..."
" I think we need to do more than drop bombs. I think an operation like the Gulf war is called for.
Also, Yassar Arafat should be targeted for his support of terrorist groups and doing this kind of terrorism on Israel for decades!"
(ny .. davajte po xody i Kitajskoje posol'stvo bombanem.. a potom i Kyby nakrojem.. razdavim ostatok mysyl'man v Yugoslavii, i pomozhem rossii poborot' priverzhemcev Islama v licce zhitelej Chechni.. vo kakoj klassnij koktejl'!!)

9) Ny i kak obichno voznya s prezidentom Bushem. Polovina narody kotoraja za nego ne golosovala teper' na nego katit bochky. Esli on nichego ne sdelaet i nikogo ne najdet , to on mozhet poletet' s posta prezidenta. A on etogo ne xochet.. znachit bydet zharko.
"Watch and see how dangerous having an inept leader is turning out to be.
I'm not saying this attack yesterday wouldn't have happened with Gore at the helm. But I sure would be sleeping better now.
Bush is a deer caught in the headlights."

And the bottomline is:
Tha story is not over yet. Ishite prodolzhenije na ekranax vashix televizorov ochen' skoro.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Sep-2001 01:24 AM
 Re: Terror ... How does it look from the inside... // nablydenija shpiona Ukrainskoj Armii
hey, guys, the story Rat is telling in the beginning of his message... I guess I heard it already... on the next day of the "attack day" in Kiev, in the office... such things fly at the light speed...

whatever, let's see what will happen and who will be fuc..d up.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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