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21-Sep-2002 12:35 AM
Community member
Location: Russia
Home Coutry:
it's actually a copy of my previous message.

my friend Rinat Yusupov from Uzbekistan came here to stay we both are pretty busy organizing an American alumni (not just FSA, but all educational programs as well) association. So, if ANYBODY HAS HAD PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD - PLEASE TELL US EVERYTHING YOU CAN SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


21-Sep-2002 06:06 AM
Community member
Location: Ukraine
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What's up, Timka!

First of all, my congratulations with the brave and great project you, guys are doing! It's really cool.

I was working on this kind of same task.
Yes, that's fun but I must say the main problem is not the paper work and simillar staff - but the people.
So, the first half of the work is to get together the team. ;)
If it is done - let's go forward.

Anyway, I'm gonna be with you.
Keep in touch!

21-Sep-2002 10:25 AM
Community member
Location: Egypt
Home Coutry:
Sup man!

2 things:

1) You may try to contact your local Project Harmony office. I'm sure they could help u out with that.

2) From my side... if you would want to develop a web page of your association you could host it at abroadplanet for free
Check out "community" section for detailes...


22-Sep-2002 04:35 PM
 Thanks guys! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Russia
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All right, Neo! Thanx for offering your help - could you teach me a couple of lessons of web design? :-)
BTW, congrats with the Smiley day (it was 2 days ago, but still) !
Sirius, thank you too, bro - right, kadry reshajut vse!
We gonna use our noodle, guys, in how to get it done! You keep advising!

23-Sep-2002 06:30 AM
Community member
Location: Armenia
Home Coutry:
Privet Timur Long time no see
Glad you're doing well, and glad you've undertaken the difficult task of creating an alumni association. It is, indeed, a difficult task. I am sure that you've already enquired about the necessary procedures and paperwork. And I'm glad that someone mentioned about getting the true team together, otherwise it will fall apart easily at the first challenge.
Now, having been involved in an alumni association for 5 years, I believe I could try to help you.

1) My first question is- are you gonna register your association as an NGO? If yes, than make sure you find someone at the Ministry of Justice, where you're gonna register, someone willing and nice enough to help you with details (they can be fatal at times). Have you started getting together a by-law?

2) Be realistic. Don't plan anything that you honestly don't think you will manage.

3) Create a clear organizational structure, define it in the by-law (you're gonna have to do this anyway, according to the law of your country).... Divide everything from the beginning. At the same time, create tools so that everyone envolved is updated on where you all are at some point in time (do this regularly).

4) Last but not least, create a strategy for upcoming 3 years minimum (this is like registering a bank with the Central Bank, you MUST have a business plan for the coming 3 years).

This much for now. Please feel free to ask anything else you'd like, I'll be more than happy to help.

A sechas, Neo, eto tebe. Y menya yest' delovoe predlozhenie. I can have the link of Abroadplanet put on the website of my organization. In return, ty dumaesh' na abroadplanet naydetsa mesto dlya linka na YFA website? You can have a look at our website ( and then we can discuss any mutual benefits privately, if you would like.

Vsem privet.


23-Sep-2002 03:05 PM
Community member
Location: Canada
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Oy! A ya tozhe hochu v Canade imet NGO i byt prezidentom Alumnie Assctn. LOL. Mozhno mne??????
U nas tut mnogo mnogo alumnie, nu prosto kucha. Nado budet vseh na pivo sobrat i pro delo pogovorit
A potom mozhna i pro politiku, i pro vso ostalnoye LOL
A esho my potom obyedenim vse alumnie organizacii vseh stran i narodov, i kogda to poydem vse vse vse vmeste na odno bolshoye pivo (russliye na vodku, armani na konyak, gruziny na vino i shaslyk, nu i tak dalee komu cho hochetsa ) How does that sound????
Ladno, shutki shutkami, a voobshe vy vse molodcy, ne sidite na meste. Tak i dolzhno byt. Dayte znat esli mogu chem pomoch, hota dumayu moya pomosh zdes ne ochen ponadobitsa.
Good luck!

25-Sep-2002 02:32 AM
Community member
Location: Tajikistan
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Erm... Nu vobsche-to ya malo chem mogu pomoch' s alumni association... Prosto khotela vo pervykh pozdravit' tebya, Timka.... A vo vtorykh - ya budu tebya podderzhivat' moral'no, myslenno, i dukhovno poydet???

Da, eschyo khotela vsem napomnit' chto ya zhiva i s vami


P. S. TimOur, pereday privet Rinatu, raz uzh on tam . A ya i ne znala chto on tam s toboyu vmeste byl v Drexele (a to by pospletnichala nemnogo )

27-Sep-2002 11:32 AM
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Privet, Timur, privet vse!!
Ya v proshlom godu pytalas' sozdat' chto to tipa alumni association in Kyiv,no ty je znaesh, chto etim nado postoyanno zanimat'sya, a eti vechno zanyatye lyudi Ugrad alumni ne budut tebe mnogo v etompomogat'. Andryuxa tebe skajet kak on sam delal svoi web-site, i kak malo my vse emu v etom pomogali. Tak chto bud' gotov v nachale k tomu, chto ty vse eto budesh delat' sam ili budet vas neskol'ko chelovek. Tebe ponadobyatsya resursy i informaciya gde dostat' lyudei i kak ix vovlech v active alumni life.
Ya tebe vot chto mogu skazat', s etogo goda v offisax American Councils otkrylas' novaya position FSA Undergraduate Alumni Fellows. Po-moemu ix v rossii 3 ili 4. v raznyx regionax. Do etogo goda vypusknikami Ugrad zanimalis' Higher Education Alumni Coordinators, no po bol'shomu schetu ix (alumni of TEA, PiE, Ugrad, Muskie, RSEP, JFDP) u etogo coordinatora bylo stol'ko, chto Ugradami ne zanimalsya nikto. S etogo goda u etix Alumni Fellows odna iz samyx vajnyx zadach - eto sozdat' sil'nuyu i uverennuyu Ugrad alumni association, kotoraya nastol'ko shiroka i iz moego opyta tak perepletena s FLEX,Muskie i vypusknikami drugix program, chto poluchaetsa bol'shaya community. Ya by tebe posovetovala obratitsa k blijaishemu Ugrad alumni fellow i skazat', chto ty xochesh pomoch im v etom dele, ty prosto uvidish kak ona (v Rossii vse alumni fellows - ladies ) budet rada tvoei pomoschi, ibudet tebe okazyvat' vsyakuyu support v contacting alumni osobenno iz tvoego region (tem bolee, chto u nee est' database vsex alumni i ona mojet distribute all your information among all the alumni she has in her mailing list) i budet tebya informirovat' pro vsyakie alumni events, kotorye budut u vas i voobsche v rossii proxodit', i vozmojno smojet pomoch naiti funding dlya proektov, kotorye budet organizovyvat' vasha alumni association. vy mojete konechno zaregistrirovat'sya kak NGO, no lyudi iz ACCELS vse ravno budut a good resource for you.
Esli xochesh, ya naidu dlya tebya informaciyu i kontakt FSA Ugrad Alumni Fellow v vashem regione, chtob ty mog ei napisat'. ya naprimer, kak Ugrad alumni Fellow in Kyiv, starayus' vsyacheski promote i involve alumni i support them in all their activities. Ya znayu chto dovol'no xoroshaya alumni community unas v Khmel'nitskom i nekotoryx drugix gorodax i ya delayu vse chtob support them and encourage to go on and not to lose each other.
Ty prosto ne predstavlyaesh kak willing alumni fellows pomoch alumni vo vsem chto oni delayut )
Taras, doljna skazat', ty kak samyi predannyi ugrad alumnus menya prosto porazil podpisavshis' na ukrainskuyu ugrad-alumni Yahoogroup, pri tom chto ya pomnila chto ty v Kanade i konechno priyatno udivilas' ) Vot oni kakie nastoyaschie alumni v krovi, lol Molodets!
Esli chto, moi e-mail kak vsegda
Love and miss and hug you all!!
vasha masha

27-Sep-2002 05:07 PM
Community member
Location: Canada
Home Coutry:
Hey Mashka
Nu tak s takim spammingom kak vy mne ponasylali na vse moyi yashiki, tazhelo byle ne pospisatsa na vashu razsylku!
Tak derzhat. Kievu privet.

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