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04-Nov-2003 03:09 AM
 AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Cheers, dear Community members!

Apologies for long silence in Everyone that was involved into this project was pretty busy - graduation, exams, finding & funding degree progs, jobs... Crazy times for students, you know But 2 members Andy (the light keeper) & LILKA (the one that is always around) are now back on board with new ideas & exciting plans!

First we are going to issue our online Community Newsletter! (Finally!) & we invite you to participate in its creation. What would you want to see there? What about? What sections.. Fun corner? Success stories? Scholarships? Jobs? Everyday life of int'l students? Academic stuff? Where to find used books, Kool music.. Competitions, games for users.. Funny nominations for forum participants.. These are just some suggestions from the top of the head. Go ahead with brainstorming and help us!

For the first period we are planning to issue our Community Newsletter on bi-weekly basis. Sorry guys.. Short of time.. We are just volunteers But if you guyz will be sending us materials, we will make it weekly!

& above all, We need to name our Community Newsletter! It should be something student related... Any kewl ideas?!

We want to recognize our Community members' needs & desires to serve them best Your contributions, suggestions & opinions will be highly appreciated! and if we get some sponsors we will be able to give away some free stuff for you guys!!!
YAA!! Free stuff rulez))

So, let's make it! Our Own Community Newsletter Our Community!

Keep up,

Andy and Lilith

06-Nov-2003 02:26 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Hi, Andy and Lilith!
Thanks for the message.Of course, I'm ready to help you guys out. Tell me what are the options, I mean in which events do you want me to participate. I'm pretty busy, but I'll find some time for this too Ok, I'll be waiting for you reply and talk to you later.

07-Nov-2003 04:11 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Thanks a lot Antonina & everyone, who replied to our email.. we truly appreciate ur feedback I thoroughly considered every reply & suggestion... I c, most of you are very helpful, but don’t know exactly how to help, what 2 do oki, we’ll think over once more, decide the content 4 the very first issue.. & ask u to help already with exact tasks... I’ll soon contact our members, who expressed their will to contribute to our project oki guyz, gotta rush.. in couple f hrs I have exam in DAAD, SO WISH ME LUCK!:-)


12-Nov-2003 04:12 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Me back

Oki guyz, as now we lack time & resources, the first issues we will make in plain text format. Very simple, informative, funny, useful.. & not so overloaded i need your help for 2 sections: Articles & Interviews.

1. Articles – we need volunteers to write short stories.. there is no format & subject limits, as long as it is int’l student oriented:-) Please send your articles to me with some info about you, whatever you want to appear under your article.. like name/nick, education/major, location/home country, interests/hobbies..

2. Interview – we need an experienced int’l student, who has already passed all the stages – applying to US universities, finding scholarships.. visa & transportation issues.. & became a successful int’l student in the States. Alumni of FSA Programs are as well welcome to share their experience. The interview will be quite informal, casual.. slang & student jokes are most welcome ) If you believe you’d be a kool interviewee, please, ASAP, send me a brief info about you, your program, US university, home country.. according which I’ll make a questionnaire. The questions will be of whatever might interests our members, who plan to stady in the States.

That’s the part of only what we’ve planned by now, but we will be happy to add more sections, activities.. Please, fell free to send us your suggestions. The first issue of the Newsletter is to be published next week!

& for the future.. we are planning to gather a Newsletter team. This would be a great internship opportunity for those students, whose majors are in Journalism, Int’l relations, online communications.. Upon request, we can send you an official confirmation of Internship, recommendations for your universities or future employers.

If interested in any of above, please mailto: with the subject: NEWSLETTER. Awaiting for your feedback

Best regards,
Your AbroadPlanet

17-Nov-2003 08:13 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Community member
Home Coutry:
Hey Hi, I'm glad to hear about u again, I was wondering what happend with u guy's, well I'm ready to help too....and I have to tell I'm not from USA, I'm from El Salvador if u need to know something about my country just ask I hope to hear about u soon ......By the way how can I change the flag by my side????

[Message was edited by angel590 on November 20 ]

17-Nov-2003 09:57 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Hi to everyone!
I'm ready to help.
Thank's for the letter. What exectly do you want to know about Ukraine? Ask questions.
Sincerely, Nadiya (means Hope)

17-Nov-2003 12:06 PM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
“By the way how can I change the flag by my side????” (C) angel590
Here u go;) ur home country flag is in order now. Actually, it’s u that during registration chose USA as your home country

Hope, angel590 & everyone: send us whatever info u want to share about your home country. By now we post on country pages only useful & cultural links. Soon we will contact ya’ll about country pages section & country editors.

Keep in touch, LIL

18-Nov-2003 01:31 PM
 Re: AbroadPlanet NEWSLETTER! Post Reply
Community member
Home Coutry:
Thank u a lot about my flag , u are really nice guys, well how u can see my english is a bit fool, but if I can help in anything I will be glad to help u....

[Message was edited by angel590 on November 18 ]

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The time now is: Tue Oct 04:10 pm
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