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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
15-Mar-2005 02:43 AM
 Arthur H Cole Grant-In-Aid from Economic History Association Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Deadline: 1st April
The Economic History Association was founded in 1940. Its purpose is to encourage and promote teaching, research, and publication on every phase of economic history, and to encourage and assist in the preservation and administration of the materials for research in the field. The Economic History Association announces the award of pre-dissertation grants and dissertation fellowships for 2005.
Contact Information:
Economic History Association
Dept. of Economics, 213 Summerfield
Lawrence, KS
Contact Name/Title: Assistant to the Director
Phone: (785) 864-2847
Fax: 913-864-5270

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The time now is: Thu Sep 01:09 pm
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