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28-Jan-2003 10:35 AM
 Paska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
I am sooooo happy today Love you even more than usual. You will get further details in e-mail soon

30-Jan-2003 01:01 AM
 Re: Bili muhy 2 Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Olesenka!!! I am happy that you are happy!!! Right now it is 8 in the morning... YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!!! Haven't found your e-mail though... Talk to you later, gotta run.....

30-Jan-2003 09:41 AM
 Re: Bili muhy 2 Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Sorry, but I haven't written your my massage yet. Too busy. Will try to do it even today, or tomorro, or the next week... Well, you know, you'll get it with ALL the news eventually )
Olesya (yours forever, by the way)

31-Jan-2003 12:58 AM
 Re: Bili muhy 2 Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Pasochka!!! I hope you don't delay your letter... I am eager to hear the news... I probably can guess what kind are they
Saturday is the school reunion so to say... going to have some fun hopefully.
Paska, ya tebja love

10-Feb-2003 02:37 AM
 Re: Bili muhy 2 Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Hey Pasochka!
Thanks for your letter and I loved those bears!!! I put them on my fridge, so that I can see them every day and one of them will surely remind me of someone I know and whose name begins with "I"
So, I guess now it my turn to write, just don't get asleep while reading my letter
Love you and always will

10-Feb-2003 03:37 AM
 Re: Bili muhy 2 Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Check your e-mail!!! Some more bears and hugs for you!!!!!

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