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International Students Online

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15-Sep-2003 11:22 AM
Community member
Home Coutry:
Ragnarok Online is a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer RPG) made by Korean company
Gravity based on the Ragnarok Manga by Lee-Myon Jin. It is a rather lengthy
download for dial-up users, but should not be too long for Broadband users.
Ragnarok Online (referred from here on as RO) uses 2d anime-style sprites with
vivid 3d backgrounds to make a very unique game. It heavily emphasis player
interaction, though going solo is always an option if you prefer that style.
I've played many MMORPGs, and I can safely say this is the best. Dark Age of
Camelot, Everquest, nothing can hold a candle to this game. Honestly, I don't
know why... it's a hack and slash like all the others. Maybe its the charm of
the characters, or how the game plays, but it is a very enjoyable game that
has consumed quite a bit of my life - not to mention my computer's life, as I
made another PC to vend items 24/7 ^_^ I highly recommend you give it a try,
unless you want to have a social life. Then stay away, because once you come
in, you'll never be able to leave.

and its now available in malaysia too . check the webbt:

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