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19-Apr-2004 02:48 PM
 Call for papers for conference in Ukraine Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to take part in
the Int. Scientific Conference "Higher Education Perspectives: The Role of
Consortia", Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 30.09. - 2.10.2004.

Send you CALL FOR PAPERS as attachment.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


G. Romanovsky, Prof. Dr., President of RIUC, Chairman of IPC, President of National
Shipbuilding University

Y.Kondratenko, Prof. Dr., Vice President of RIUC, Vice Chairman of IPC (CI Alumni)
80512 400939



International Scientific Conference

Higher Education Perspectives:
The Role of Inter-University Consortia

Mykolaiv, Ukraine
30 Sept. – 2 Oct., 2004

Organized by:

Regional Inter-University Center (Mykolaiv)
Council of Education and Science of Mykolaiv State Administration
National Shipbuilding University named after admiral Makarov
Mykolaiv State University named after V. Sukhomlynsky
Mykolaiv State Agrarian University
Mykolayiv State Humanities University named after Petro Mohyla
Southern Academy of Ukrainian Ministry of Industrial Policy
Southern Slavonic Institute
Mykolayiv Teaching and Science Center of Odessa National University named after
Mykolayiv Branch of the Kyiv State Univeristy of the Art and Culture
Mykolayiv Polytechnic College
Mykolayiv Railroad Technical College

Interested authors are kindly requested to take part in International Scientific
Conference "Higher Education Perspectives: The Role of Inter-University Consortia"
(30 September – 02 October, 2004, Mykolaiv, Ukraine)

Aim of the Conference

The aim of the Conference is a discussion of the perspectives of higher education
development based on inter-university integration processes; exchange experience of
inter-university consortia creating, organizing and functioning; analysis and
discussion of efficiency evaluation methods and criteria for consortia of regional,
national and international levels; discussion of developing directions of higher
education normative base and standards for providing of efficient working
inter-university centers, consortia and associations from the viewpoint of
contemporary requirements to training and qualification level; discussion of
multi-vector continuous education, which means that students have possibility of
parallel study of required courses at a home University and electives according to
each student’s personal desires at other universities of a regional consortia.

Main topics

- the correlation between inter-university consortia movement and higher education
- structure of international, national and regional inter-university consortia,
principles of correlation between universities, status of a separate university and
status of a consortia as a whole;
- specific features of financial processes of joint projects and programs in
consortia framework;
- correlation between inter-university consortia and advanced specialized
enterprises and companies;
- academia-industry cooperative efforts: experience and successful stories;
- methodology of administrative co-ordination in territorially distributed
universities within a region;
- creative methodology of research; inter-university scientific groups; young
scientists support within consortia;
- successful stories of organization and functioning of inter-university centers,
consortia and associations;
- inter-institutional cooperation for study abroad;
- multi-vector training: regulation procedure for relations between a student, host
university and visited universities of consortia, psychology-and-pedagogic aspects,
normative maintenance, cadre maintenance, the curricula and planning training
process for different degree levels, analysis and evaluation of training efficiency,
structure and capacity of tests for current and summarized control;
- intelligent technologies in multi-vector training at consortia;
- distance learning in inter-university consortia.

Presidium of the Conference

Chairman: Romanovsky G., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Vice-Chairmen: Eisen G., Dr. (USA)
Vice-Chairmen: Kondratenko Y., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Scientific Secretary: Sydorenko S., Dr. (Ukraine)

International Program Committee

Bogayenko I., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Bogdanov P., Prof., Dr. (Bulgaria)
Borangiu T., Prof., Dr. (Romania)
Cazac A., Dr. (Moldova)
DeWitt S., Peace Corps (USA)
Dimirovski G., Prof., Dr. (Macedonia)
Filaretov V., Prof., Dr. (Russia)
Fukuda T., Prof., Dr.(Japan)
Geraimchuk M., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Gil-Aluja J., Prof., Dr. (Spain)
Huang Xiyue, Prof., Dr. (China)
Hyduke S., Dr. (USA)
Jezernik K., Prof., Dr. (Slovenia)
Kuznetsov L., Prof., Dr. (Russia)
Kwater T., Dr. (Poland)
Malakhov V., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Muller P., Prof., Dr. (Germany)
Pastor A., Dr. (Romania)
Petrov E., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Podurayev Y., Prof., Dr.(Russia)
Shulga N., Dr. (USA)
Siciliano B., Prof., Dr. (Italy)
Simon D., Dr., (USA)
Taran Z., Dr. (USA)
Tchaban V., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Yuhimchuk S., Prof., Dr. (Ukraine)
Zhou Siling, Dr. (China)

National Organizing Committee

Alfimov M., M. Sc. Antoschuk S., Dr. Bodyanskiy Ye., Prof., Dr.Budak V., Prof., Dr.
Burkovsky I., Dr. Bykov I., Dr. Didanov V. Dimitrov M. Dudar Z., Prof., Dr.Dubovyi
O., Prof., Dr. Entis L., Dr., Prof. Ivanova I., Dr. Kharitonov Y., Dr. Klymenko L.,
Prof., Dr. Klymko O., Dr. Kopytchuk M., Prof., Dr. Kvasnytskiy V., Prof., Dr. Luty
Ξ. Melnichenko V., Dr. Meshchaninov O., Dr. Nagorny M.Pidopryhora D., Dr.
Pryashnikov F., Prof., Dr. Shebanin V., Prof., Dr. Shytuk M., Prof., Dr. Shklyarsky
Y., Dr. Skorohodov V., Dr. Terentiyev V.. Tkachov V., Prof., Dr. Todortsev Y.,
Prof., Dr. Yeganov O., Dr. Zhuretsky Y., Dr.

HEP'04 Organizing Committee,
Regional Inter-University Center
9, Heroiv Stalingrada Av.,
Mykolaiv, 54025, Ukraine

tel. +380512 424611
+380512 399456
+380512 362221
fax +380512 424652


20 May – Expression of interest by e-mail
15 June – Submission of camera-ready papers
25 June – Notification of acceptance
05 September – Registration
30 Sept.- 02 Oct., 2004 – Conference

Requirements for papers

Camera-ready papers have to be printed on ΐ4 (2 or 4 pages); margins: left – 25 mm;
right – 15 mm; top and bottom – 25 mm; font: Times New Roman. Structure: title – 16
pt, bold, centered; after 1 line authors – first name, last name, 14 pt, regular,
centered; affiliation – full title, address, e-mail, 14 pt, italic, centered; after
2 lines main text – 14 pt, justified; references – in square brackets. Papers must
be printed using single spacing.

Conference languages

Papers and oral presentations should be performed in English or Ukrainian.

Young scientists' forum will be held in the framework of HEP’04 Conference

Expression of interest


Position (degrees):


Address (office), tel.:

Address (home), tel.:


Title of paper:

Presentation type (please choose one):
__ plenary __ section __ publication only

Completed Expression of interest should be sent to HEP'04 Organizing Committee
address by e-mail ( by 20 May, 2004

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