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15-Feb-2005 03:36 PM
 Calling Card problems Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Hi Everyone!!
I was just wondering what calling card services you all use and what problems you have with the calling card company? I am shopping around and want to find the best site! please tell me which site you use and what you like about it? i thank you for any reply

26-Apr-2005 04:33 PM
 Re: Calling Card problems Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
hey. after looking aimlessly, i found this one site that had real good rates, . I actually didn't have any problems with the card or the company. let me know how it works out!

[Message was edited by cash on April 29 ]

05-May-2005 07:13 PM
 Re: Calling Card problems Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
definetly check out
It had absolutely the best rates to my country with no hidden fees at all...and I called them to see what their rounding was and it was to the nearest minute!!..not 3 or4 like so many of them like to do.

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