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18-Apr-2005 05:11 AM
 Eurovision 2005 - Kiev! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Egypt
Home Coutry:

Long time no talk;))) Glad to see that you guys are still coming here from time to time
anyway, I thought that we could organize some kind of reunion there is even special ocasion for that so how about coming to Kiev for the song contest?

Here are few links:

it should be fun))
your comments......


20-Apr-2005 08:58 AM
 Re: Eurovision 2005 - Kiev! Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:

09-May-2005 03:32 AM
 Re: Eurovision 2005 - Kiev! Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
HI)) Nice to hear you are fine
I would be terribly glad to take part in reunion in Kiew, but in reality I am dreaming to visit at least Khmelnitskiy some day in the possibly nearest future. So the things are.

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