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02-Sep-2002 01:57 PM
 Happy End to Careless Life! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Russia
Home Coutry:
hello there Americans - NIS'ans! Congratulations upon the beginning of a new school year - good luck throughout the whole of it!

Papa, Andy, Neo,, you did A HELL (I mean, a HECK) of a job! Incredible!!!!!! Superb! Never thought this guy whom I saw so close can create such a thing! This crappy chat thing stole half of my time in the US, but at least it taught me something, that's why I'm so grateful to you. How many professional sites have you developed already? Why don't you list them here?

I've heard you were on vacation somewhere very far, in the Mediterranean, is that right? How was that, Daddy Andy? Any further plans, huh?

Anyway, impressed with your masterpiece and depressed with my disabilities.

Warm WAZZZUPs to everybosy who might still remember Timur from Chicago (I doubt there still are some fossil chatters here)

! please reply to my next topic!!!

02-Sep-2002 02:38 PM
 Re: Happy End to Careless Life! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Egypt
Home Coutry:
Opa! Starye znakomye pokazuyutsya
Privet Timur!
Kak tam tvoy life? Spasibo za komplimenty)) Vsegda rad ty je znaesh starayus' na blago nashey brat/3 community....
naschet moih saytov, da... starayus' potihon'ku mojesh posmotret eto moy flagmanskiy project
tam est' mnogo moih rabot... hotya eto uje godovoy davnosti, ya tut skoro sobirayus sdelat bolshoy update...

yeah, I had a trip thought europe... i vchera vernuklsya iz Kryma... na dnyah vuloju fotki online, posmotrite)))

Da, udachi vsem v uchebnom godu ya k schastyu ili k sojaleniyu v etom godu uje ne sajus' za granit nauki))

Keep up!

03-Sep-2002 01:42 AM
 Re: Happy End to Careless Life! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Russia
Home Coutry:
da ty che, Neo! Iz Kryma? A ja togda otkuda pervogo sentiabria vernulsia? Nu chto zh, togda tozhe vykladyvaju fotki. Oni, konechno, polnyj otstoi v smysle kachestva - nu net u menia digital camera, net, blin... No v smysle predstavlennoi geografii - posmotrim, kto kogo!
duzhe za vsimi soskuchiv.
zhive Ukraina!
ta Rossija.

05-Sep-2002 04:59 AM
 Re: Happy End to Careless Life! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Hello Timka!
I remember you even though I am pretty sure you don't remember me. We were in Washington DC together and I still have you on my video-tape. Also I remember you were visiting the old abroadplanet very often while still in the States...
So how is your life? Planning to get back to the USA one day?
I miss all the guys terribly too, especially those whom I haven't seen since we came back from America. Still hope to see them somehow ...

07-Sep-2002 02:49 PM
 That's very sweet of you! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Russia
Home Coutry:
That's sweet indeed, Olesya, diakuj!

We all love it when someone remembers us. Could you please post your picture here? You know, for old men to brush up their fading mind...

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The time now is: Thu Sep 12:09 pm
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