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27-Mar-2003 03:04 PM
 HELP!! 16, N.Ireland, decided to start looking for info early and is totaly confussed! Post Reply
Community member
Location: United Kingdom
Home Coutry:
It has been my dream and determination for as long as i can remember to study and go on to live in the United States, your probably thinking "your only 16!" but i decided it best to get started early and try to make out what all this stuff is on about- BUT I CANT! Please help me!
How do i find out all the info i need, american education, the right college, funding, living places, vesa, courses availabe - everthing really. I would be totally gratful for any info. This porbs aint a good idea but if theres too much dtuuf to put down here then please e-mail me -

[Message was edited by mcconvilletony on March 27 ]

20-Jun-2003 03:57 PM
 Re: HELP!! 16, N.Ireland, decided to start looking for info early and is totaly confussed! Post Reply
Community member
Location: United Kingdom
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I am 15 year old student from North East England. I am TOTALLY in the same boat as you. I REALLY want to go to study Law in America. I have no idea how to look for anything. I want to know about courses, grants, visas etc.
It is my dream to study Law there and become a lawyer in America. My family aren't to keen on it and don't want me to persue it. It is my ambition and I want to achive but I have no idea how. Are you in a similar situation? If you are please email me at
If you find out anything please let me know too. It would be great to hear from someone as passionate about the same dream as me. Please contact me soon
Luv Georgy x

21-Jun-2003 11:57 AM
 Re: HELP!! 16, N.Ireland, decided to start looking for info early and is totaly confussed! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Canada
Home Coutry:
I believe the best option would be to get a BA first, in England, or US, does not matter, and than to apply to law school. Needless to say you need high GPA, its very compatitive.
About the rest, courses, grants and stuff, you first need to decide where you wanna go to study. Pick up a school, and start digging the info. All schools have websites with all the stuff you need. You can also visit the school of your choice, i believe it should not be expensive to fly to US from Gr.Br.
Anyway, good luck

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