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24-Nov-2003 02:33 AM
 Human Rights convention - the Constitution of Europe Post Reply
Location: Germany
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Chernihiv IATP Centre invites you participate in virtual meeting with
British and Ukrainian HR experts: David O'Mahony - Institute of Criminology
and Criminal Justice и Stephen Livingstone - Professor of Human Rights Law,
Queens University Belfast, Valeriy Ryabukha - Senior Lecturer for Chernihiv
Law College of the Penitentiary Department of Ukraine.

Topic of discussion : "Human Rights convention - the Constitution of
Audience: All intersted in HR issues (alumni & nonalumni, NGO & individuals)
Date & time: November 25, 17.00
Language: English

Below you may find brief resume of foreign participants.

Stephen Livingstone began his teaching career as a Lecturer in Law at Queens
University Belfast in 1984. After spending time as
a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Detroit School of Law in
1990-1 he moved to the University of Nottingham
as a Reader in Law in 1995. He returned to Belfast in September 1998 to take
up the post of Professor of Human Rights Law. He is
currently Director of the Human Rights Centre at QUB. Outside academic life
he is a current member of the Equality Commission
for Northern Ireland and a former member of the management board of the
Committee on the Administration of Justice, having in the
past been both its Chair and Vice-Chair. He has carried out extensive human
rights training and consultancy activities for
bodies such as the British Council, Council of Europe and European Union in
Africa and Eastern Europe.

David O'Mahony graduated in criminology and psychology from the University
of Ottawa, Canada in 1984 and in 1987 was awarded the
degree of MA in Criminology. In 1988 he was awarded an MPhil in Criminology
at Cambridge University. He went on to work at the
Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University as a researcher and amongst
other projects completed a national evaluation of
the youth justice system in England and Wales. He has completed major
research projects for the Department of Health, the Home
Office, the Northern Ireland Office, the Probation Board for Northern
Ireland and the Northern Ireland Prison Service. David
is presently leading a number of research studies including; a longitudinal
study of effective interventions with serious and
persistent young offenders; a major self-reported offending and lifestyles
study;a study of police led juvenile restorative
cautioning practices and a study of drug abuse amongst prisoners. He has
taught at the University of London, Cambridge
University and for the Open University and has published widely in the areas
of youth crime, and criminal justice. David is a
member of the editorial board for the journal 'Youth Justice', a member of
the Northern Ireland Crime Prevention Panel, the
Northern Ireland Restorative Justice Working Group and is co-ordinator of
the Masters programme in Criminology at Queen's

Questions, comments, suggestions are welcomed!

Yuriy Usovich
IATP (Internet Access and Training Program)
Chernihiv Representative
tel. (0462) 175043
**The Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) is a program of the Bureau
of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA), US Department of State, funded
under the Freedom Support Act (FSA).
IATP is administered by IREX, the International Research & Exchanges Board**

Yuriy Usovich
IATP (Internet Access and Training Program)
Chernihiv Representative
tel. (0462) 175043
**The Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) is a program of the Bureau
of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA), US Department of State, funded
under the Freedom Support Act (FSA).
IATP is administered by IREX, the International Research & Exchanges Board**

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