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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
28-Dec-2004 02:07 PM
 H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Fellowship Program Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
The University Center for International Studies (UCIS) at the
of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce a request for applications for the
2005-2006 round of the H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Fellowship
Program. The Fellowship provides for one year of practical,
professional, and non-degree educational experiences through the
University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

The competition for a Heinz Fellowship is open to men and women from
developing countries whose record of accomplishment early in their
career indicates strong potential for leadership and achievement in
non-profit, government, or private sector. The goal is to improve,
early in a career, the Fellows' capacity to contribute to the
development of their country and to enhance their understanding of the
United States. This is accomplished through a year of auditing
courses and participating in practical professional activities while
based in Pittsburgh. Courses taken as part of the Heinz Fellowship do
not earn credit towards an academic degree.

To be considered for the 2005-2006 round of the H. J. Heinz Company
Foundation Fellowship, applications must be received no later than
15, 2005.

For more information and to obtain application forms, please visit

Inquiries can be made at or by fax at

Shannon Clover

Community Relations Assistant

4400 Posvar Hall

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Phone: 412-624-7394

Fax: 412-624-4672

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