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20-Sep-2002 07:57 AM
 I'm hurt!!!! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Tajikistan
Home Coutry:
Ok, here I come to write a message in the forum, and what I see??? I CAN'T WRITE A MESSAGE, BECAUSE I'M NOT REGISTERED!!! : Everybody else can, I can't. And then I had to wait for a month before I actually could register. Ok, I understand - I couldn't register - that's something to tell to our internet providers. But why I WASN'T registered, I still can't understand; I thought I was registered here since 2000!

Anyways, despite the fact that I'm mad, I still miss the people in this forum.

With love (and madness),

20-Sep-2002 11:35 AM
 Re: I'm hurt!!!! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Egypt
Home Coutry:
hey ya! queen of the road !

I'm really sorry that you had to wait a month before you could register and post messages here

The reason is that we have done major reconstruction of our portal. As you can see it is really improved now and it offers tons of features and materials for students.

Na samom dele forum nachal rabotat tolko neskolko nedel', do etogo on vse echo bul v procese razrabotki.
So u didn't miss a lot

Naschet registracii. Remember! Our old forums were remotly hosted at
When I decided to rebuild our portal I contaced and requested all files that were associated with our forums. But they have never replied my.
So I had to import all of our posts manualy... Lot's of work... as you can see there are more than 5K of posts...
But anyway.. I did that))

But I have no way to import your registration data. That is why u had to register again.
We don't use any remote application providers any more. Only custom developed application. So you will not have any problems with additional registration.
Besides, we will not have all those annoying banner adds and pop ups

Anyway... Roxy.... I'm glad u r back!
Keep up!

P.S. if u have any problems with website feel free to use Help link at the top of this page or to email me at

21-Sep-2002 12:31 AM
 ah, c'mon! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Russia
Home Coutry:
Roxy! It's nothing but life's trifles! I also couldn't login: neither as AFKAP, nor TImour, nor tell you the truth, I don't remember most of my passwords, so I had to reregister.

So how's life? I wrote you a message, did you get it????

And how do you like Abroadplanet's new design? Aint it just terrific?

In short about humble ourselves - but for everybody else. As I've already told you, my friend Rinat Yusupov came here to stay we both are pretty busy organizing an American alumni (not just FSA, but all educational programs as well) association. So, if ANYBODY HAS HAD PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN THIS FIELD - PLEASE TELL US EVERYTHING YOU CAN SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-Oct-2002 12:17 AM
 Re: I'm hurt!!!! Post Reply
Community member
Location: Kyrgyzstan
Home Coutry:
Hi guys!
This is me Ice, remember!!!!!!!!!!
Komsaid! I am glad that u r still alive! U guys rock. I feel like old days came back.
I waz kinda sad bout register thing too....
what the heck is that!!! But I guess, we could still follow some rules, to be more disciplined.......
But anyway....... guys!! welcome me back, yo' lost friend!!!!!!!!
I wonder we can chat all together at the same time........
Oh well, keep on guys!
Love, Ice

07-Oct-2002 03:00 PM
 Re: I'm hurt!!!! Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Roxy and guys,
just want to tell you that even though I got used to missing you, I love you too much to stop missing nights we spent together
hugs, and more warm powerful ukrainian hugs!!
vasha masha

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