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International Students Online

    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Help Community Post new topic
10-Aug-2003 05:04 PM
 International Student Journalists Post Reply
Community member
Home Coutry:
Dear Students.

I am interested in starting an international monthly news magazine with high school and college students. I am looking for interested student journalists willing to contribute to the following areas of writing:

1) Arts/Culture
2) Economy
3) Education
4) Entertainment
5) Fashion
6) Health
7) Nation
9) Technology
10) World

I am also looking for students who have high expertise in the field of photography, and desktop and internet publishing. Any enquiries from parents and teachers/professors who are willing to contribute are welcome too.

If you are a student or teacher/parent interested you can contact me at If you have any questions please let me know.


Take Care,

Muz Akram

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