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21-Jan-2004 06:56 AM
 I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Community member
Location: Uzbekistan
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I seeked many ways to study in the USA during 2 months and I can't find low price for my tuition but I can't stop my ambition to study may be aboard if you have any information about this abilitis write to my E-mail: djalilov_dilshod@pisem. net. (I can work to earn money for my tuition) I CALL all members help me who can do it

26-Jan-2004 01:28 PM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Dear Dilshod,

Never give up it’s up 2 impossible 2 find low tuition in US unis, but it doesn’t mean you should give up ur ambitions. U can still try 2 find scholarships, tuition waves, assistantships, or apply 2 some program.. in NIS countries including Uzbekistan there operate ACCELS, IREX, SOROS/OSI… programs.. try them out!

Good luck, lil

28-Jan-2004 06:15 PM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
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Location: United States
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seems to me that you Lilka do not do anything else but sit at your comp and write replies is it your job?

hi to neo :O

29-Jan-2004 08:26 AM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
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I do smth else bt writin re-s, tho again @ my comp it is my job. No need 2 pass hi 2 Neo, he’s somewhere around here
best, Lil

08-Feb-2004 08:57 AM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Community member
Location: Turkey
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Lilka is writin' in her comp and wants to help somebody but what you are doing proper??? maybe you even dont know what means "help"

[Message was edited by behruz on February 08 ]

12-Apr-2004 09:30 AM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Community member
Location: Uzbekistan
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Hello Behruz
I want to know what are you doing in Turky and I want to know more information ab you.
Ya dumayu chto nas tolko dvoe iz Uzbekistana v etom forume. Ya dumayo chto mi ne smojem vstetitsa stoboy no bilabi lutche uznat o tibe ile poluchit :} tvoyo foto. Otzavis Chuvak .

12-Apr-2004 09:33 AM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Community member
Location: Uzbekistan
Home Coutry:
Hello Behruz
I want to know what are you doing in Turky and I want to know more information ab you.
Ya dumayu chto nas tolko dvoe iz Uzbekistana v etom forume. Ya dumayo chto mi ne smojem vstetitsa stoboy no bilabi lutche uznat o tibe ile poluchit :} tvoyo foto. Otzavis Chuvak . I ya proshu ne obejatsa za moy message which answered for your question ab Paris. Eta bila shutka.(takje proshu proshenie u Lilki toje)

12-Jul-2005 03:02 AM
 Re: I haven't any financial abilitis but I wont to study aboard, help me, I'll be wait your advices. Post Reply
Community member
Location: India
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Try this website
http://www.f1study .com

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