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21-Mar-2004 07:06 AM
 International Students' Conference "Economics for Ecology", May 4-9, 2004, Sumy, Ukraine! Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Hi to everyone!

I'd like to tell you about the International Students' Conference "Economics for Ecology" which will take place on May,4-9 2004 in Sumy , Ukraine!

Please, tell the community about the Conference.

Hope to see you.

21-Mar-2004 07:09 AM
 Re: International Students' Conference Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
HOPE to see YOU at the ISCS’2004 “Economics for Ecology”.

Conference Organisers:
- Sumy State University (Department of Economics, Department of Management, Department of Ecology)
- Economic Research Centre
- Youth NGO “ECO”
- International Developing and Research Centre (IDRC)

The Conference is Directed to
students, representatives of youth organisations and NGOs, young researchers and scientists.

Conference Language:
The official conference language is English.

Conference Sponsors:
- Sumy State University
- Advertisement and Information Agency
“AS-Media” Ltd.
- NPO “Eco-Product”

Conference Place:
- Sumy State University
- Recreation Centre “Zvezdniy” (15 km from Sumy)

The abstracts of your presentation will be published in a pamphlet as conference materials.

Registration of Patticipants:
May 5, 2004 (900 - 1700)
Address: Ukraine, 40007,
Sumy, R-Korsakova str., 2,
Sumy State University.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Sumy State University

(Department of Economics, Department of Management, Department of Ecology)

Tenth International Scientific
Students’ Conference

“Economics for Ecology”

May 5-9, 2004

Sumy, Ukraine

The goals of the conference are to gather students and young researchers who care about environment and try to solve environmental problems with the help of economics, to discuss the most important questions with young colleagues and to recognize new student environmental organizations.
Conference Topics: theoretical problems, case studies, methodology, cooperation examples, environmental education, NGO activities etc.
Conference Sections:
• Educational Problems, Environmental Education
• Globalization Issues
• Greening Economy
• Information Society
• Regional Ecology
• Rational Use of Nature
• Greening People, Health
• Tecnology and Environment
• State Environmental Policy
• The Main Aspects of Sustainable Development
The Organizing Committee provides the participants with accommodation for the period of the conference, meal, local transport to the recreation centre, excursion, conference materials.

Conference Fees:
• for foreign participants – US$25
• for participants from the countries of the former USSR (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Armenia etc.)– 75 ukr. hryvnas
Conference fee has to be paid during the registration after your arrival to Sumy.
Deadline for the application forms submitting is March 20, 2004. After this date we will choose the participants and send the official invitations. The form has to include the abstract of your presentation (1 page A4 in English including pictures, formulas and tables). Form: MSWord, 1,5 interval for lines, from above – 10, form below – 20, inside – 20, outside – 10.

The abstracts have to be made in such a way:
• the title of the paper – with capital letters symmetrically to the text;
• Surname, given name(s) of the authors, organization, country - in 1 interval, in the right corner of the paper;
• The abstracts of the presentation - in 1 interval.

Please send your application forms and abstracts of the presentation by e-mail to or usual mail. The abstracts will be published. If the electronic variant of the abstracts will have another form mentioned above the Organizing Committee reserves the right to itself to make the changes in the author’s paper.

You can reach Sumy by train or bus from Kiev. Additional information you can obtain from the Organizing Committee. According to your wish you can be met in Kiev by our representative. For this possibility please contact the Organizing Committee and inform the arrival date to Kiev.

During the conference there are planned meetings at “round” tables (debates) dealing with the most actual problems and entertaining program.

Preliminary Conference Program:
May 5 – Arrival day:
- registration of the participants (Sumy State University)
- sightseeing tour (Sumy downtown)
- accommodation (recreation center “Zvezdniy”)
- Welcome party
May 6-8 – Conference working days:
May 6:
- opening ceremony
- plenary session (Sumy State University)
- Ukrainian party (“Zvezdniy”)
May 7:
- workshops
- “round” tables (debates)
- press-conference
- Foreigners party
May 8:
- excursion (Sumy region)
- Farewell party, Camp-fire party
May 9 – Departure day

Sports games are also planned during the conference.

To get the full version of the program please visit our Web-page:

Additional information:
Telephone: +380-542-335774, 332223
Fax: +380-542-327844

22-Mar-2004 03:18 AM
 Re: International Students' Conference Post Reply
Country editor
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Deadline changed! March, 30!

07-Jul-2004 06:17 PM
 Re: International Students' Conference Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Do away with the conglomerate system! Details in Announcements!

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