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23-Aug-2004 10:59 AM
 IREX Awards Roberts Fellowship to StudyReligious Education in Pakistan Post Reply
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[IREX] Press release:

IREX Awards Roberts Fellowship to Study Religious Education in Pakistan

July 21, 2004

US Contact: Michelle Duplissis, Senior Program Officer
(202) 628-8188 x 191 or

WASHINGTON, DC-IREX today announced Dr. Matthew Nelson as the 2004
recipient of the John J. and Nancy Lee Roberts Fellowship. Nelson, an
assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Bates
College, will examine the decisions for families in Pakistan, focusing
on their efforts to strike a balance between religious and non-religious
education across a wide range of public schools, private schools, and
madrasas (religious academies).

Nelson noted that "the value attached to religious education for poor
and middle-class families is often underestimated by those with an
interest in 'demand-driven' educational reform. Even if we take the
demand for religious education seriously, we still have a lot to learn
about the extent to which it can be expected to promote peace rather
than conflict."

Nelson explained that ultimately, his project aims to "move beyond
questions about the extent to which religious education is in demand in
Pakistan," focusing, instead, on "the type of religious education that
could be expected to generate a broad base of sectarian, domestic, and
international support."

In the context of his research, Nelson will interview parents from a
variety of economic backgrounds throughout Pakistan in cooperation with
Pakistan-based colleague Tariq Rahman of Quaid-i-Azam University in

Nelson received his AB in government from Bowdoin College and his MA,
MPhil, and PhD in comparative politics and international relations from
Columbia University. He has worked as a consultant for the Asia
Foundation and the government of the United Kingdom and has given
numerous presentations and invited lectures on education in Pakistan.

IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) is an international
nonprofit organization specializing in education, independent media,
Internet development, and civil society programs. Through training,
partnerships, education, research, and grant programs, IREX develops the
capacity of individuals and institutions to contribute to their
societies. Since its founding in 1968, IREX has supported over 15,000
students, scholars, policymakers, business leaders, journalists, and
other professionals.

The Roberts Fellowship supports cutting-edge research by annually
providing one grant of up to $30,000. This year the program accepted
applications for research in the field of education in Afghanistan,
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. For more
information on the John J. and Nancy Lee Roberts Fellowship Program,
please refer to

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