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International Students Online

    AbroadPlanet Forums -> ANNOUNCEMENTS! Post new topic
16-Mar-2006 04:49 AM
 International Christian Science/Engineering Students Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
This is a part of LMH Cultural Exchange of LMH State try to preach/service to Devotional International Christian Science/Engineering Students within some limited international jurisdictions for their religious education and Christian services in USA with submissions to the USA holding-no-terror constitutional authority and their own nations holding-no-terror constitutional authorities.

The Devotional International Christian Science/Engineering Students are encouraged to contact their nations UN representatives about LMH State.

For more information, qualified students please write to:

Minghao Lee
LMH Cultural Exchange
245 South Park, 211
Madison, WI 53715

We might need your pastors contact information for services.

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The time now is: Sat Jul 03:07 am
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