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13-Feb-2003 04:14 AM
 Life is wonderfull... Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Have you ever noticed that we are alwasy complaining about something? Have you ever thought why? I always wonder why people are mad without any reason, but then I get mad myself, just because... Everyhting should be compared and when you are in a bad mood, just remeber your feelings when you were happy and try to relax, because everyhting in this world is relative: the black stripe comes and then the white stripe will come into your life for sure. Just belive that evrything you wish and deserve for will happen and it will come! Wishhing everybody to feel the best feelings all the time

13-Feb-2003 07:38 AM
 Re: Life is wonderfull... Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
Home Coutry:
Way to go!!! Positive thinking is always good, even if the stripe is not all white.
I read this somewhere...: If it is not a beautiful morning, let your cheerfulness make it one!!!
Take care! And Happy V's Day!!!!!

13-Feb-2003 05:24 PM
 Re: Life is wonderfull... Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Life IS wonderful.
I ussually don`t complain, but even if I do, there must be a serious bothering reason..

I`m just bored lately, can`t wait till winter ends..

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