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23-Feb-2005 06:39 AM
 Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund - for persons from Latin America and Carribean countries Post Reply
Community member
Location: Ukraine
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The Rowe Fund awards educational loans to qualified persons from Latin American and Caribbean countries, to help them finance their higher studies in the United States. These loans are made on the understanding that when the recipients have completed their studies, they are to return to their respective home countries to assist in their countries’ development and further their welfare.
The Fund was created by a bequest in the will of Dr. Leo S. Rowe, who was Director of the Pan American Union from 1920 until his death in 1946.
Candidates must:
a. Be nationals of a Latin American or Caribbean member State of the OAS;
b. Have a grade point average of, at least, 3.0 or "B" (or equivalent) from their current or most recent academic institution
c. Be able to successfully complete the studies or research for which the loan is being requested within a maximum of three years if the studies are for a masters or doctorate degree, or within two years in all other cases. Loan requests for associate degrees will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Committee.
d. Have sufficient other sources of financing, such as savings, employment, fellowships, funds supplied by the students’ family, etc. to cover the greater part of their academic expenses. Because of the supplementary nature of the loans awarded by the Fund, students may apply for a loan to cover expenses directly related to their studies or emergencies not covered by their principal sources of financing;
e. Be accepted as a full-time student in an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States. Disbursement of the loans shall be conditioned upon the students possessing a visa allowing them to study full-time in the United States.
f. Agree to return to their country of origin after completion of their studies covered by the Rowe Fund Loan. The purpose of the Fund is to contribute to the higher education of competent persons who, upon completing their studies in the United States, will be in a position to give their respective countries the benefit of their training. Students staying in the United States for additional training or for any other reason for more than one year after the expected graduation date shown in the Loan Application may request an exception; otherwise he/she must repay the loans in full by that time.
g. In addition, if the applicant is already studying in the United States, his/her Foreign Student Advisor must submit a form supporting the information provided in the student’s application.
h. All official documents from academic institutions (transcripts of grades, diplomas, Foreign Student Advisor form) must be provided either as original documents duly sealed, stamped, or notarized, or under other safeguards that satisfy the Fund Secretariat of their legitimacy.

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