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15-Nov-2003 01:57 AM
 MS in USA Post Reply
Community member
Location: India
Home Coutry:
With a score of 1110 in GRE and 260 in TOEFL, what are the good colleges I can get into?

25-Dec-2003 08:13 PM
 Re: MS in USA Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
you know, I think that could be a community college! could rise your TOEFL score and get into a college that you want

26-Dec-2003 09:20 PM
 Re: MS in USA Post Reply
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
I am not sure about SAT since I haven't taken it.
But your TOEFL - 260 - (computer-based - ?) is good enough even for a PhD.

Just some advice: if you need information, do not take one source (see above) as sufficiant. Information proved by several sources is much more reliable.


12-Jul-2005 03:07 AM
 Re: MS in USA Post Reply
Community member
Location: India
Home Coutry:

Did you check this website

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