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International Students Online

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28-Apr-2005 03:30 AM
 Montana State University (MT) Post Reply
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Location: Ukraine
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Office of International Programs

The Office of International Programs offers a full range of international programs and services to Montana State University - Bozeman and the Montana State University System. Responding to fundamental trends of the 1990's which pull the United States and Montana into the global marketplace and put us into daily contact with other nations, OIP seeks to bring international education to the core of the academic and cultural life of MSU. In today's world, every student, regardless of his or her major, needs to graduate with knowledge of other cultures and languages in order to succeed. Increasingly, cutting-edge research and scholarship in all academic disciplines require international collaboration and communication.

OIP strives to provide quality international education opportunities to MSU students and faculty. Of equal importance, OIP programs make MSU accessible to capable students from around the world and ensure they have quality academic experiences. Reflecting MSU's recognition of the centrality of international education, OIP reports directly to the Office of the Provost and works closely with the MSU International Education Committee in conducting its programs.

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